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deck of many things stacked

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Throne of Bhaal expansion pack.
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deck of many things stacked

Post by philrivoire »

I'm gambling with Aesgareth in the Watcher's Keep. I'm trying to win all three items from him (scimitar, scroll and gem) but I'm beginning to think the deck is stacked. Every single time I draw I get either Plague of Strife. Aesgareth then ALWAYS draws Construct or Triumph. I can never win. I've tried this 20+ times, but to no avail. How many times must I do this in order to actually draw the better card?

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Bruce Lee
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Post by Bruce Lee »

Those are the only two options for you in the first draw. The first and second draw can be won but not the third. For exact details check here.
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Xak Tsarsoth
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Post by Xak Tsarsoth »

Seem to have a problem with the effects. I got the High Preistess card and my main character is now silenced, but it doesn't wear off. Do I need to remove curse, or will it eventually go away?
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