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Aerie Romance - spoilers maybe

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Aerie Romance - spoilers maybe

Post by Armycardinal »

Hey there. I have Jahiera and Aerie fighting over me (not literally, yet) :D . Decided to "gently" let Aerie down.
(Big collective AAAWWWW!!).

I messed up earlier and Aerie got mad a took off. I want to keep both characters, but want to romance Jahiera.

My question is: Is this bickering over with - and does Aeire stay?

Please spoil. Just got started in CH2 and want to cut my losses (Aerie) if she is leaving.

I mean, a guy who just bought you your very own Robe of Vecna, GAVE you the imported (from BG1) Ring of Wizardry, and now you are leaving??! Call me old-fashioned, but doesn't the guy get the ring back if the engagement is called off? ;)


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Post by JackOfClubs »

I am not quite sure I understand your question. Do you mean that you have given Aerie the: "you do know that I don't have any feelings like that for you" answer and now you want to know if she will remain in the party without provoking further romance conflicts?

If so, the answer is yes. At this point the AerieRomance global should be 3 and Jaheira's should be 2 (or possibly 1). At this point the only way Aerie will leave the party is if you kick her out. Jaheira's romance should procede normally and neither Aerie nor Viconia (if you get her) will have further comments on it.

However, please note that there are lots of variables in these romances and they do tend to get screwed up for reasons that aren't always obvious. Especially Jaheira's romance, which is notoriously buggy. But the simple answer is that once you have selected one lady over another, they all accept the decision and don't give you any further grief. (This is fantasy, after all. :p )
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Post by Boris »

Yeah - what JoC said

A. will play nice if you let her down gently.

But I found a curious thing today, which may be of general interest. I was romancing J. thereafter, but it stalled when I went into the Underdark & never picked-up again. Finished SoA with no Harper Pin or explicit nookie.

Now, half-way through Watcher's Keep in ToB, I pop out to the shops & A. gives me these lines about how she's been holding back all this time, but really loves me, etc.!

Both J. & A. have the ~RomanceActive var. at 2 (they love me!), with J. at LT 53 & A. at 27. I don't *think* I did anything to stimulate this activity, but was looking at J's vars earlier, so maybe...

BTW, I know this is the SoA Forum, but is there any documentation about Romancing in ToB? All the Guides, etc., I've seen only cover SoA, with no follow-up...

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Post by Armycardinal »

Thanks Boris and Jack

I have a famale mage in my OTHER party (in ToB) and Ano gives her a ring.

It doesn't do anything (that I've discovered), and really, I'd rather have the Rings of Wizardry and Acuity anyway. :) It is sitting in my inventory and he doesn't seem to mind.

Thanks for the answers.

BTW, I would have no idea to check the variables anyway, so I'll take your word for it (and yes, I answered, 'You know I don't have feelings like that for you, right Aerie.')

What are the bugs that the Jahiera romance calls up?

Thanks all

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Post by Boris »

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Originally posted by Armycardinal
What are the bugs that the Jahiera romance calls up?

I canne tell 'e, Captain! Apparently, it's all to do with timing, etc. - have read anything I can find on the subject & am still none the wiser! One Guide says the J. Romance will *always* hang & one *must* edit vars to get it to work (though I doubt that).

Personally, I've Romanced J. in my first 4 games & it's hung all 4 times, but I think that's down to the timing issues (I spend long periods in Pause mode, sometimes double-sleep setting-up Seqs & Contigs, etc.)

So I guess it's all down to the Mystery That Is Women...

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Post by Coot »

For patches for romances and other problems:
For checking variables:
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Post by Adahn »

Originally posted by Coot
For patches for romances and other problems:
For checking variables:

Once again, we can rely on our good pal Coot to get the answers to our problems hehe *gives Coot a pat on the back*
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Post by Coot »

((Grins sheepishly at Adahn))
For more info and possibilities see this thread about CLUAConsole:
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