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here is an idea...

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here is an idea...

Post by Raumoheru »

y dont they make it an option to import and export our characters and make other games compatable with the characters so we can always use them?
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Post by cagutsomen »

it's b/c the rules change so much b/c they realize the more the ymodify them the crappier they get. they overcorrect to the point where there is only 2 or 3 points of compatability btw rules.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Re: My idea..
Originally posted by Raumoheru
y dont they make it an option to import and export our characters and make other games compatable with the characters so we can always use them?

I think it's because they really didn't have plans (at any point so far) to bring characters into another game. Who is to say whether they make a sequel to this? They may, or they may not.

Without a direct sequel to ToEE, what point would there be in exporting?
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Post by Raumoheru »

well make other games with different plots that can be compatable with our precious chars
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Post by kellinjar »

Since this is troika's first D&D game... what would they make it compatible with? THey're not going to make it compatible with IWD2 ..its not their game, it uses a slightly different rules set (3.0E for one and it also uses some Forgotten realms specific feats)
If they plan on making more games, AND its set up to start off at level 10, then I expect they'll include a feature to recover your ToEE characters.
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

Right on, kellinjar.
Originally posted by kellinjar
Since this is troika's first D&D game... what would they make it compatible with? THey're not going to make it compatible with IWD2 ..its not their game, it uses a slightly different rules set (3.0E for one and it also uses some Forgotten realms specific feats)
If they plan on making more games, AND its set up to start off at level 10, then I expect they'll include a feature to recover your ToEE characters.

Yeah, that was pretty much my idea, so thanks for the alliteration.
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Post by Greywulf »

My idea would be a game that has the size and scope of Morrowind and it's expansions, but with D&D 3.5E rules and content, NPCs like we had in the BG2 series (romances, humor, dialogues, etc.), interactions and dialogues reminiscent of Planescape Torment (with xp for dialogues and alignment ramifications), a toolset for modding like Neverwinter Nights, and a graphics engine that combines Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights, and ToEE. Throw in a 40th level cap and epic rules for good measure, plus lots of hidden quests and Easter eggs.

That oughta keep everyone busy for a while.

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Post by Raumoheru »

My idea would be a game that has the size and scope of Morrowind and it's expansions, but with D&D 3.5E rules and content, NPCs like we had in the BG2 series (romances, humor, dialogues, etc.), interactions and dialogues reminiscent of Planescape Torment (with xp for dialogues and alignment ramifications), a toolset for modding like Neverwinter Nights, and a graphics engine that combines Morrowind, Neverwinter Nights, and ToEE. Throw in a 40th level cap and epic rules for good measure, plus lots of hidden quests and Easter eggs.

That oughta keep everyone busy for a while.
now thats wut im talkin bout! :D :D :D
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Post by kellinjar »

Except that already sort of exists.. in a sense.
NWN is what you want to make it.. you can mod it out to whatever you want it to be. Including NPCs with romances, etc
it includes a full scripting language.
It needs a rules update to reflect the 3.5E changes, but otherwise you can do all those things you mentioned with it. You can even make the module as large as you want.. it would just take some ambitious person to do it.
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Post by Raumoheru »

but the feats system is all fuct up they dont got the rule system rite
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Post by kellinjar »

Thats what I said. It needs a rules update to bring it up to 3.5E.. I know Atari has hinted on their message boards that there is going to be an announcement for NWN soon. Perhaps it will be a new expansion WITH a new rules update (or NWN 2)
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Post by Raumoheru »

i dunno i just dont like how NWN was set up and i like how TOEE looks but that is ur opinion
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Post by kellinjar »

Unfortunately ToEE is not set up for modding. NWN happens to be. Sure the graphics aren't perfect, and the rules aren't implemented completely perfectly, but as a tool to create good roleplaying games its light years ahead of anything else right now.
Atari has said they're making their announcement soon (so hopefully that means within the next week or two at the most)
We'll find out what they have in store for NWN.. I can't imagine it raising the levle cap anymore (its already to 40) so I can only surmise that it would include some of the following:
1)3.5 Rules update (I hope)
2)New Spells and Monsters
3)New Tile sets
4)New models
5)Or be NWN 2 all together

Their core module takes the player up to level 40, so I can't see it being a continuation of the story either, perhaps starting a new story.
What would be really great would be if they included a way to change it to turn based combat
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Post by Raumoheru »

yea i never really got into their storyline either. most people complain about TOEE's storyline but i think it is decent enough just to be able to wander and do wut u please for the most part.
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Post by kellinjar »

yes I was never interested in NWN for its main core story. Infact I wished they hadn't even included it. Originally NWN was going to be designed as an online virtual DND game that a DM could set up a game ahead of time and play with his friends... but somewhere along the line things got changed... someone probably felt that no one would buy it for just the toolset... and focus was lost and corners were cut to make it a 'viable' product.
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Post by Raumoheru »

well how u put it with the D&D on line theat DMs can make the adventure ahead of time and play online make me almost want to dig that old thing out again :cool:
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Post by kellinjar »

That was its original intention so long ago when it was first announced. (Did anyone know that there was a Neverwinter Nights online game playable over AOL in 1991?)

Basically when you set up the adventure you lay out all the maps etc, but the DM can add things on the fly (like throw in a random encounter) add random dialogue stuff like that.
The key is to make your module big enough so that you have time to modify things further down if you need to before they get there ;) Being real time, you have to make sure your players don't breeze through it and you leave them hanging.
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Post by Greywulf »

Originally posted by kellinjar
.. it would just take some ambitious person to do it.

Yeah, I know - I would just love to have it handed to me on a silver platter.
I hope you're right about some of your guesses about NWN getting a 3.5 update. I also agree with you about the turn-based combat - I really like that, too. And I agree with both of you about liking the free-form adventure option. Morrowind was the best in that regard I thought. I mean, it was the most complete world, and I really liked the first person view (even if it were an option at least) - it was beautiful looking at the skies with clouds moving across them - I felt totally immersed in that game and it seemed like there were more quests and things to do than even BG2.

I do love the look of ToEE (it reminds me a bit of the IWD games), and NWN is also spectacular (although you practically need a super-computer to enjoy all the higher-end graphic options), but I think I felt most "alive" in Morrowind (as a character in the environment - it seemed the most like a real world - I'm sure the first-person perspective had a lot to do with it, too).

However, I'll always be a die-hard D&D fan, and I wished to God that MW had D&D monsters and spells and items and rules. That woulda been fantastic.


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Post by Kalendraf »

Originally posted by kellinjar
Originally NWN was going to be designed as an online virtual DND game that a DM could set up a game ahead of time and play with his friends.

It was a good idea, but unfortunately, it takes a lot of work to create a decent adventure with the toolset. Also, there's a bit of a learning curve involved there as well. NWN would not have sold well if that's all they provided.

I agree with other posters who'd love to see some kind of combination of NWN w/ ToEE. I like the ability to control the camera in NWN, the better toolset, etc. But I much prefer the combat system and better handling of the rules in ToEE (in spite of a few bugs). If someone makes that, rpg'ers will buy it.
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