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Spell casting chickens!!! (No joke) *could be a spoiler*

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Spell casting chickens!!! (No joke) *could be a spoiler*

Post by Black_Paladin »

I just read a post today from someone who had charmed a chicken in Umar Hills and somehow turned it into undead.

Well, I wanted to try this for myself as I was just in that area but I happened to find out something more interesting!

I charmed a chicken with Minsc's charm ability and when I clicked on the chicken, I noticed that it has the spell button enabled. Being curious, I clicked on it and found out that it gives me the same exact spell icon with the number 1 on it. I found out that even though the spell icon there looked dimmed out, I could click on it!!

Clicking on the spell icon cast a spell called "mimic glue", a very powerful spell which made all my party members glued to the ground (the efftect on their feet looks just like the grease spell). :D :D

I don't know if you guys knew this but I wanted to post it just in case. I would have never thought that a chicken could be a wizard. An easter egg I guess. :)

EDIT: I just found out that the chickens also have a special ability. Clicking on the special ability button allows them to cast "mimic acid"! So, I guess chickens use the same files as mimics when charmed. Interesting...
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Post by Coot »

Wow, if you play and evil char you can sick these chickens on the townfolk! :p
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boo's daddy
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Post by boo's daddy »

IIRC, this is a specific chicken. I think I've seen it mentioned in a walkthrough somewhere. It's not a generic property of chickens everywhere. Believe me, I had that tart Minsc chatting up animals everywhere to see what they could do.
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