I've got this problem. I beat Malak, than I ran out of the room where Carth & Bastila are waiting, they talk a little, than run to the ebon hawk. than a movie starts, than a cut-scene of the republic ship with the admiral and the Yoda-lookalike jedi (forgot name) saying something about the ebon hawk. than another movie begins showing the star forge starting to collapse and than the game always crashing. can you imagine how hard this sucks?
I've tried the following
game is updated
updated the latest patch for my Radeon card (ATI Radeon 9600 128 Pro)
changed resolution to 800 instead of 1024
disabled movies, then Instead of the movie, it goes to a loading screen and it crashes
nothing helped though.
I've had other crashes in the game, but they where solved by restarting the game or updating
Baseballheadboy, welcome to the forum. Please read the sticky thread marked (cleverly enough) PLEASE READ BEFORE POSTING. It's by the site owner, who requires people that give away game spoilers to put that fact in their thread titles. I've changed this one. Please take care of it on your own, in future threads. Thanks.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
just read for hours through the official bioware forums, encounted the same problem several times but no solutions were offered and nobody from bioware said anything about it.
Seems to me this forum is my last hope
I hope someone can help before coming tuesday, If I haven't fixed it by then I'm still within my 2 weeks and I can return it to the store and get a refund.
Frustrating though since I loved the game and I didn't have any other crashes/problems so far (except the ocasional "where should I go?" which this site always gave me the answers)
Baseballheadboy, I hope it works for you as well and if anyone here has an acount on the bioware forums (I'm too lazy to register there as well) (s)he can put it there also.
My character was almost dead, didn't have much health in his health bar left (you could barely see the red line) and still had some stimulants on him. Apparently somewhere in the cutscenes he died because of the simulants thus letting the game crash.
My solution (I had saved just before getting malak on his knees) was to pause and use my inventory screen to get my health to 100%, then the end movie played as it should..
I didn't get the bastile romance end thing I somewhere read about though, but at least I'll be able to go for the dark side version no
I've been busy so I haven't really tried yet
also because beating Malak was a pain in the *** because I don't have many life support packs and such anymore :s