I just started playing BG2 again (+mods), 3 years after i finished the BG2. I've forgotten how the HP progression works in ADnD 2E. Does the 1d8 1d10 etc stuff stop after level 10 or something? I thought i remembered something to that effect... or I may be wrong. For now in my game my level 15 fighter has been gaining 3 hp (regularly) for the last few levels... and his con is 17, so the 3 hp should be from the con bonus.
Originally posted by Numinor You get 1d10 HP as fighter from level 1 to 10 (or 9 ?), and 3 on all levels after that.
You get 1d10 from lev. 1 to 9 and 3 on all level after that for fighter/paladin/ranger;
you get 1d12 from lev. 1 to 9 and 3 on all level after that for barb.;
you get 1d8 from lev. 1 to 9 and 2 on all level after that for cleric/druid/monk;
you get 1d6 from lev. 1 to 10 and 2 on all level after that for thief/bard;
you get 1d4 from lev. 1 to 10 and 1 on all level after that for mage/sorc.;
i'm not sure of the precise numbers but i thought you got 2 hp per level (after level 9 for a fighter type) but fighters got an additional hp/level for each point in con over 16
tip: just before leveling up, use DUHM to give yourself an hp boost. i beleive this is a permanent effect
Fighter type (F/R/B/P) get +1 hp each lev. up from 1 to 9 for every con. score above 14 (15 -> +1 hp) up to 19 (+5 hp), while other classes gets the bonus hp only for con. score up to 16 (max 2 hp) for all the lev. ups they get the hp from roll dice.