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Most Underrated Spell/Item

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Dark Master
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Most Underrated Spell/Item

Post by Dark Master »

I have two here that I only really discovered this time around.

The Energy Leech spell is one I hardly, if ever hear about, yet its very powerful in its own way. Picture this. You've been running (as we all do) and suddenly you're faced with a battle. You have no fatigue, but this spell is quite simple, you don't need to be that great to do it. Basic knowledge of Mysticsm, and it doesn't really need fatigue, as well as having a low points cost. You use it on your target and suddenly you'll have more chance of sucess with your sword, AND they will be ready to be knocked to the floor wtih a single blow.

Makes Dremora Lords a hell of a lot eaisier.

The second is an enchanted dagger called the Steel Blade of Heaven that grants the ability to levitate when used. Not a powerful weapon, and not worth much, enough charges in it for perhaps six uses, but it always seems to have enough for me. I carry it around, its light and easy. Whatever you think about knowing the spell its a big Magicka eater, and I have fallen in love with this dagger, so much so that Its my number 3 button in the quick menu.
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Post by Coot »

I've a wizard staff that lets me levitate for 240 seconds. I think it has five or six uses as well. Where did you get the knife? I don't remember ever finding it.
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Post by Kingslake »

you might as well jump (JUMP)

my header is a title from an old song, cannot remember who for sure, possibly Van Halen.

I keep the 'Steel Blade of Heaven' around too, though I need it less now my exquisite shirt has a levitate enchantment on it. I kept that 20sec paralyze dagger for a long time too.

The very first item I got made was a !00 lock opener, that was invaluable. As for a less advertised effect, I used the awesome potential of a daedric tower shield (225 enchantment capacity) to have a CE (Constant Effect) JUMP improvement. Now I can make huge leaps.....I just love having an enemy getting ready for me from a distance away, when with a gigantic bound I land right in front of them and splatter them with my daedric crescent.
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Post by Dark Master »

That sounds phenominally good fun and I have since purchased a jump spell and I am about to try and capture a golden saint with one of the scrolls, unfortuntly, I'm still not that great at short blade, so I can't use soul drinker, and they'll cast dispell if I do it any other way....

I'll create a new spell effect, my general offensive spell, one of my own creation - the lightning streak 120-143 pts damage 3 seconds on target will have the effect of a 3 second soul trap added.

I'm not at a Morrowind computer, so I don't know if this will work... Can I mix two schools, I've never done it before... Will my destruction skill determine whether it is sucessful, or whether just part of it works). This could be a pain since mysticsm is only about 35-38. Destruction is in the high eighties. Its also a big Magicka eater, but not a problem with Necromancers Amulet, Asclipis (or however you spell it) Ring, and the Robe of Drake's Pride. I'm a Breton born under the Antronch Sign and my base intelligence is pretty high anyway, so its really off the charts now.

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Post by Ares2382 »

You can mix the spells from different schools, I've done it many times. However, it seems that when you cast it only one of the spells school skills get's increased. For example if you have a damage spell with soul trap on it and you cast it successfully only your destruction skill would increase and not mysticism. I am not 100% sure about this, but I have checked this a few times. Anyone knows for sure?

Oh and to add to the topic, I think Sanctuary would fit into most underrated spells for me. Or atleast it was when I was playing on a lower difficulty lvl, now that I raised it to 75 I find this spell invaluable in surviving many encounters.
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