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bodhi's bad

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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bodhi's bad

Post by soxie »

hi, i am completly crazy about baldurs gate (i completed the first one too) however in BG2 i am having trouble with Bodhi. I simply cannot kill her. She wipes out all my characters in a second. I tried setting the gameplay level to easy - but to no avail...the characters i have are: Aeire, Minsc, Yoshimo, Mazzy, Valgyre, and i'm sorry to say, but they r all useless at the moment :( please help, i cant move on until i kill her. :confused:
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Post by Gauda »

well she should be a piece of cake unless you installed tactics, there she is at the very least imo challenging...

I don't understand how you managed to get your entire party killed on bodhi but just make bodhi hit the person with amulet of power, or just throw protection from negative energy from the aerie's clerical spell. I'm generally confused, how did you manage to take foes like firkraag, or the shadow dragon when you get your entire party gets wiped out by bodhi :confused:

If you have not done all the optional quest before you proceeded to chapter 3 it's higly recommandable that you do.
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Post by fable »

Assuming you're playing a good/neutral party with Keldorn, you might also want to give him Casomyr and have him wail away on her. But she's just a pretty sophisticated form of undead, so anti-undead measures (for the most part) work well against her.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

You mentioned you have the vile Yoshi with you. Have him set his traps where she spawns (just after you stake the last vampire bed). That should be almost enough to kill her. If necessary rest and have Yoshi set a max of 6 traps at her spawn site. (There is a bug where you can kick a thief, such as Yoshi, out of the party and then tell him you reconsidered and want him to stay. This bug regenerates his traps without having to rest). Also use false dawn, sunburst, Daystar sword, Mace of Disruption, haste, summoned creatures, etc. to smack her down.
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Post by Black_Paladin »

Originally posted by UncleScratchy
You mentioned you have the vile Yoshi with you.

Yoshimo isn't vile! His life is pretty much predetermined and he is damned no matter what he does. I personally feel sorry for the guy and I am going to install the Tortured Souls mod after finishing this game. :)
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Post by soxie »

thanks so much for ur suggestions. we'll c how it goes. :D
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Post by VonDondu »

soxie, another member of this forum named keeb asked a similar question last year. You can read the advice that we gave him in this message thread.

Bodhi is a vampire, but she is not a typical undead monster. She cannot be turned, for example, and she is immune to a lot of things that can harm ordinary undead creatures. She also cannot be hit by anything less than a +3 weapon. If you protect your characters against level drain and use +3 weapons and use fire damage attacks, she will lose the battle. However, there's something you'll find out when you win the fight:


She will run away before you can land the final blow. In other words, she's not supposed to die. On the other hand, she is supposed to talk to you before she goes. If something prevents her from initiating dialogue with your main character, she'll just stand there even if you inflict hundreds or thousands points of damage on her. The game will keep her alive until she talks to you. For example, if your main character used a Scroll of Protection Against Undead before the battle, Bodhi will not be able to talk to you. So please be aware of that potential complication.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

Yoshi is vile
Originally posted by Black_Paladin
Yoshimo isn't vile! His life is pretty much predetermined and he is damned no matter what he does. I personally feel sorry for the guy and I am going to install the Tortured Souls mod after finishing this game. :)

Of course he is vile, as he acts without virtue. But one can still feel sorry for a vile person. The two aren't mutually exclusive. None of Yoshi's choices are predetermined (except that they are hard-coded by the game programmers). But this probably isn't the forum to discuss the choices Yoshi makes in the game. If you'd like to start a new thread either in SoA or SYM I would participate to defend my characterization of Yoshi. I didn't mean for my adjective to cause this thread to go off-topic.
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Post by Blue Boo »

Well, I was going to suggest using Yoshimo to set traps, but I was beaten to that. It can take her out right away though, as it did in my game. She said all this threatening stuff to me and then she took one step and wanted to talk again :p

Though I think Keldorn and my character were a bit saddened as they did not even get the chance to use Casomyr and Daystar on ol' Bohdi.


As for Yoshimo, sure he may betray you and we can argue about his true worth all day, but where else can you get 200,000 Exp for just taking a heart to a temple?
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Post by Black_Paladin »

Re: Yoshi is vile
Originally posted by UncleScratchy
Of course he is vile, as he acts without virtue. But one can still feel sorry for a vile person. The two aren't mutually exclusive. None of Yoshi's choices are predetermined (except that they are hard-coded by the game programmers). But this probably isn't the forum to discuss the choices Yoshi makes in the game. If you'd like to start a new thread either in SoA or SYM I would participate to defend my characterization of Yoshi. I didn't mean for my adjective to cause this thread to go off-topic.

I disagree with you there but I know that you didn't mean to cause this thread to go off-topic. I did that so I apologize.

I might start a new topic (or a poll if possible) about whether Yoshi is really vile or not. ;)
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