This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Bethesda Softworks' The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind and its Tribunal and Bloodmoon expansion packs.
I killed vivec (i captured his soul) and i got this small dwemer artifact i know its for mainquest but can i use it to make wraithguards even if i didnt get it through mainquest
as far as i know, you can get it to work. you take it to someone smart, like divath fyr or that guy in his mansion in gnisis
and they'll tell you about it and stuff
but the version you get is no way as good as the one Vivec gives you if you're doing the main quest the standard way
What you do is take it to the last living dwarf in Diyvath Fyrs, Corprusarium, he'll ask you to get some books, get them and he'll activate it to make the wraith gurad. If you have already donnw the main quest and got the first one, kill Vivec and follow the instructions above and you'll get a second wraithgurad for the other hand!!