Originally posted by fable
Since getting a new hard drive, I'm starting up a new game. It will have Chloe, Tashia, Imoen, Jaheira, Keldorn (or Mazzy) and my PC, a female cleric.
Wow, this is almost the same party I'm playing right now

Except I still have Jan instead of Imoen (still ch.2). And heck no cleric of course, only a "classic" Littiz-style female kensai-mage for PC with (hacked) 19 dexterity and 16 constitution. Just picked up Mazzy too ~ haven't played her in a while.
I must say I think Tashia is "cooler" than Chloe. Pure personal preference ~~ both characters are done very well. I find Chloe a bit too loquacious and her portrait is a bit too colorful.
It's a great party though. Great balance of skills across party members, and potential for some serious uber-power: toward the end of SoA I'll have 3 high-level mages, a high-level druid, 2 kensais (kensai-mage dualled up at 13) a great archer/spear-thrower (Mazzy) and a turnip-crazy high-level thief (yes, you guessed it).
And besides, as it turns out it's Jan with 5 women
~~ aim low, deliver.