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Easy Way to get the Power gems ;)

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Easy Way to get the Power gems ;)

Post by Melpheos »

You dont want to spend time finding a good strategy to get the power gem from the bosses in the different elemental nodes ?

You are allready level 10 and want to go straight to the end ?

Here is an easyway to fill your Golden Death Orb with the four Gems the easy and cheap way :)

Just go the place where the boss in the elemental node is but not too close to him (avoid speaking with him)

Take your best rogue and use sneak (some potions increasing your dex is good)

Go to next to the boss and steal the gem with sleight of hand and then go thru the portal...

Yes as simply as that lol...

The earth elemental boss is harder (dont know why, maybe hight spot competence)

I dont know if this has been posted allready (made a search but didn't found anything relative to this trick)

I have sent this info the the game banshee admin but no response :(

Ps : sorry for bad english/spelling, this is not my native language
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Post by Mulligan »

Hi Melpheos :)

And welcome to the forums ! :D

This is nice to know, especially if one have problems with some of the node bosses. I imagine it takes a lot of quicksaving though...

Also, after you have the stones you can get multiple copies of them by summoning the boss creature again and kill it before it dissapears. It will drop a copy of the gem. I believe this to be a BUG, since by doing this all Pc's can have 4 stones even after the skull is destroyed.

Way to much CHEESE for my liking, but powergaming is fun. :)

Have Fun :D
:mad: Oh, When all else fail, put the Dwarf up front!
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