I then started to think that I don't have the slightest idea what I'm going to do with all of my cash. There are only so many items to be enchanted, so many spells to be bought and made, and so many master trainers to visit (if you like cheese that is
So I can't help but wonder if we are even meant to sell those $50 K ticket items. I'm fairly certain that it would be no trouble to survive in Vvardenfell by only selling gear and items worth less than the Creeper's 5 K... (I'm seriously thinking of trying this out with a new character I recently created)
It could be an attempt to achieve some game balance, but most people do sit out the many days with Creeper/the Mud Crab, so I'm not sure this is an effective tactic.... And that again begs the question of why such expensive items even exist in the first place.
Or maybe, as is the case with so much of the game, the developers are trying to appeal to a wide range of playing tastes????
Any ideas?