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need to force quest dialogue--modders help!

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need to force quest dialogue--modders help!

Post by Luther »

I have a lot of mods installed and for the most part everything is cool. I think something was tweaked in the dialogue.tlk file for my unseeing eye quest trigger though. I go to the priest of Helm who gives the quest and instead of giving the quest, he gives me the dialogue after the quest, like I have already finished it. I'm afraid if I won't meet with Keldorn and won't get the experience for the quest now. Does anyone out there know how to force this quest dialogue or roll it back using Shadow Keeper or anything else. I couldn't find the variable in SK that resembled this quest. Thanks alot.

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Post by Luther »

Anybody out there got a clue on this? All I want to do is reset the area so that I get the whole "prophet" scene or at least set it so that I get the cue to see the priest of Helm again. Right now I'm not getting the trigger for this quest. Any one know the variables or how to force it with the console?
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Post by Luther »

Just following up with this. I realize now that I didn't have the patch installed when I first started my game and had already visited the temple area before reinstalling everything. I guess this bug is inherited in the save game and not the actual game files. I couldn't get the quest dialogue even after using CreateCreature to respawn the npcs you need to talk to. I'll have to do some creative consoling to spawn Keldorn and then set the Global variable for "BeholderPlot" to 1 to get the Sir Sarles Quest. Most likely I'll need to just give myself the quest XP via Shadowkeeper since the Priest of Helm thinks I've already finished it. We'll see...

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Post by Luther »

Just having a conversation with myself here but I thought I'd give the solution to this if anyone else starts a game without installing the TOB patch, goes to the temple area, realizes they didn't install the patch, then uninstalls everything and reinstalls and finds that the bug still exists.

The solution ended up being simple: screw High Mornmaster Arval and his pansy church of Lathander! Use the console to create High Watcher Oisig instead. Once he spawns, the dialogue works and the quest carrys on. I'll post the exact console command later.
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