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Mods and Downloads

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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Mods and Downloads

Post by Patrick »

I want to start this thread about downloads and mods. I am not to familuar with mods and how they work or how to use them.
Are there any that add additional play to the game without altering the existing game? Plaese feel free to talk about them.

Also is there a version of 'dalekeeper' for Baldurs Gate?
I am looking to download enough stuff to fill a disk with info like patchs and game extentions.

Anybody have any info on near infinity, Mine use to work but now does not, should I redownload it or am I forgetting how to use it?

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Post by Krynus »

Check out this thread for a list of mods and the like. There is ShadowKeeper for BG2 (and I think GateKeeper for BG1) also available from that thread.
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