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screwed over.........again.

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screwed over.........again.

Post by pepsi »

I just got totally and royally screwed over in morrowind.

I was doing a quest for a thieves guild in this one place and I picked up a 'reordean(sp?) cooking secrets' book. I though "hey, I can sell this for money! weeeeee!"...

5 quests later I find out I need it for a quest. And I don't remember if I dropped it somewhere or who I sold it too if I did.

So the question of the day laddies/lasses

When has morrowind royally screwed you in the bum hole?

EDIT: Another time it ****ed me over, I don't have a sound card in my newly built computer (still waiting for it, its in the mail) and I just got installing the GOTY edition on my PC. It won't let you play without sound!!!!111oneone.

Those evil bastards at bethesda...

other that that I WUV THE GAME!
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Post by Bloodthroe »

Your not really Royally Screwed. Just don't do the quest. My character's fine and I've never heard of that quest. That being said, my first prototype character lost a bunch of soul gems, along with other items, to the town guards when I got caught unlocking a door. I payed the fine and a few hours later realized what had happened. I started my character over not knowing about the evidence box.
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Post by Robnark »

that sort of thing happens a lot to me, although I fortunately got those specific quests at the same time. that's why I love the console.
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Post by HiRo11er »

That has happened to me 3 -three- times.
First time I accidentally sold the Hlervu locket you need for the Mal Bolagmer quests to some random shop keeper, so I had to restart.
Second time was the Sharn-glitch (mage in balmora you give skull to), where Sharn just vanished without a trace. I had to restart.
Last time was just a few days ago, when this happened... So I had to restart...

It does get pretty old after a while
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Post by Dark Master »

I once killed Baladas when collecting the Propolyn Index stones. Later on I decided to join Telvanni. Only after about 20 levels did I discover that I shouldn't have killed him.
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