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Thrommel "died" ib battle, looted, raised - won't re-join group

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Thrommel "died" ib battle, looted, raised - won't re-join group

Post by AndyAction »

hey all,
quick question (browsed the other posts and didn't see the answer already posted):

I found Thrommel, he joined my party, had him wade into a battle and die. I killed the foes and looted his body.
my Cleric raised him (with a scroll).
now, he won't re-join our group - and in the dialog windows, the option of asking him to leave the group is still there (although he's clearly not a member of the party now).
I'd like to "rescue" him and bring him out of the dungeon, but as of now, all I can do is get a meager reward and watch him leave.

couple of hunches:

-maybe he died too well (reduced to less than -10hp). perhaps I should have him die differently before looting him

- maybe I have to actually cast the Raise Dead spell (not from a scroll)?

I dunno - any ideas?

help a fella in need of Scather!

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Post by Greywulf »

Well, if someone dies in the group, they are still in the group - there shouldn't be a need to get them to re-join unless you clicked on the red question mark when they were dead, which permanently removes them from the group (a warning pops up that requires you to confirm the action).
If you did that, then you cannot get Thrommel to re-join. You should be able to loot dead NPC party members via inventory transfer once they hit -10 HP. You don't need to remove them from the group.
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Post by Armisael »

Try teleporting directly to Hommlet with Thrommel still dead and have Terjon resurrect him. Worked for me.
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Post by soulflay »

Try a dominate person spell if you have someone in your party who can cast it.
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