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Guess this doesn't exist...but help! anyway

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale II.
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Guess this doesn't exist...but help! anyway

Post by duppsko »

Does anybody know if there's a mod or something to change the in-game journal in IWD2 to delete the quests you've done, or something like that.....
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Post by Julian »

Never ever heard of anything that could do that and very few would want to do it.

Have you looked at many sites, have most of the usefull mods and the like.
If they dont have it, i dont guess it is in such demand that anybody has made something of the like.

Happy gaming, and dont mind the journal
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Post by duppsko »

thanks, but found nothing there...

Strange you say that few would not want that if it existed.
It's confusing reading through the whole journal too see if its any quest you have not completed....
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Post by Julian »

Yeah maybe you are right, but I've never had that problem and in the to years it has been out co one els has made a loud cry for it.

I never really found keeping track o f done quests un iw2 a problem, you kind of just get pushed along. is this in a special part of the game that are having trouble with what you have done or not done. Or is it just in the game general?

Happy gaming
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Post by duppsko »

I've only played it a 10-15 hours, but actually i haven't missed any quests or so. But there was one time i talked to some chick for no reason i thought, and hey, quest solved...
Remember how nice is was to see the difference with the journal in Baldurs Gate II from the first one.

Well, well... IWD2 is a cool game anyway......
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