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Less Generic NPC Project

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Post by Dark Master »

Right now I can only manage gender and race, clothes will be possible soon - probably in the town after Maar Gan, if not, definitly the one after - I'm teaching myself the Construction Set you see. Although numerical reputation should be eaisier to impliment.... just looking now.

Yeah, thinking about that I actually could stick things in based on reputation, level, or a skill level for one of the skills. Be sure to specifiy what skill and the minimum value for it, and the reputation you want the secrets to become avaliable to the player at.

You'll have to include a response if the Player does not meet the criteria - it could be somethign different altogether or just a flat out refusal to tell the player something unless they are famous, I can get them both in there.

btw Fable, I was just wondering, have you had a look at Ald Velothi yet, and if so, what do you think? In fact to whoever the three people are that have downloaded it, give us some feedback!
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Post by fable »

Haven't had a chance yet, but I'm still suffering from the effects of low RAM and some mysterious problems that are sapping memory. I'm going from my notes of my original game in determining the NPCs in different areas. Hopefully, my problems will be fixed soon--and by that, I mean the system upgrade whose components we're discussing.
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Post by Dark Master »

Just to keep the mod a plausable task, I'd like to keep the responses the same regardless of how much the NPC likes you for most of the NPCs in the initial releases of the towns. It won't take much to give them a response if they don't like you though, and I hope we will improve the towns we already have as we go along, rather than finishing Vivec's last Canton before looking at making Ald Velothi any better. As I get better at using the construction set, we can go back and improve the dialogue options, but - yes, if people want I can put in multi-level responses for certain options, again, just provide me with the two avaliable responses and the disposition at which the NPC will tell you each one.

For example, at a certain point in the main quest the player can begin to ask NPC's about 'Neverine' at present none of our modded NPC's will comment on, ever, but I'm hoping that after Maar Gan I'll know enough with the TES set to be able to change that so the option becomes avaliable at the right point. Then we can go back and alter the exisiting NPCs.

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Post by arno_v »

I just had a short look at Ald-Velothi, and I can say it's certanly better than it was. When I read the responses now it's cool to read them, not the boring thing the always say. There is a women who is so negative about outlanders I couldn't resist killing here :) , I'll suggest the people who haven't seen it yet should take a look at it.
Blake and DM you did a good job, though somethings aren't perfect yet, like the spelling, but DM said he would take a look at it so I'm looking forward to version 1.2 :p
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Post by Dark Master »

Thanks Arno. :) If anyone else has feedback we'd like to hear it. I'm really pleased that the mod has got a team behind it now, and its already getting off the ground nicely, with a mini-quest in Khuul (really more of a snooping excersise), and some top quality dialogue coming in from Arno for the Khuul NPCs.

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Post by Sorrow Spear »

Hi. I'm new. Dark Master recruited me. So let's get started. :D
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Post by Dark Master »

Welcome to the team Sorrow Spear. You're going to be helping out with dialogue of the NPCs right? Its good to have you with us, we'll be starting on Maar Gan just as soon as Khuul is released. Keep checking back, I'll post the list of NPC's on here when we start.
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Post by Dark Master »

I may not have huge amounts of time Monday or Tuesday night, but if Dragon Wench, Arno, and Beornica could any of the NPC's they have been working on to me, I would be able to find time to put them in the mod. @Beornica, I don't think I've told you this yet - but we're aiming for replacement dialogue for the following topics:

Latest rumours
Little Advice
Little secret
Someone in particular
Specific place
my trade
[NPC's Race]
Morrowind lore is optional.

I know there are some NPC's that have extended dialogue options in the game, if this is so we don't want to lose that, for example Arno wrote a response for Thongar the trader to 'Telvanni Bug Musk' because Thongar has that option ordinarily, so pretty much everything other than Solstheim, and Almalexia needs replacing - I know its a big ask, but if the NPC's could be sent as they are completed rather than in a bulk, since it just lightens the load for me and Blake to add them to the mod.

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Post by blake »

Ok, im back... Sorry if anyone wanted me or anything, I was off on a trip to the city with my girlfriend.

So i am officially contactable

I like fables idea. If we could have that great of a response with branching converstaions like that for npcs it would be great...

Ive often wanted to say certain things to npcs that i felt should be able to be said. Like in KOTR, i know that is aiming really high with the dialogue but still, if we could achieve only a portion of that it would make the roleplaying aspect sp much better. Actually being able to respond to Npcs based on your character type, for example, a Crusader would say something different than a Necromancer...
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Post by dragon wench »

I've taken a look at some of the dialogue changes thus far on the Khuul NPCs, great stuff! :cool:

I should be able to get the three I'm working on done by the end of tonight, tomorrow sometime at the latest. My aoplogies for being a bit slow here.... I'm trying to balance all of this with family time, the general chaos of life, and a few other projects I'm involved in :)

Anyways, I have my sheet of ideas, so now it is just a question of doing the writing.
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Post by Dark Master »

Cool, I look forward to it, do you think you could add a response for 'Neverarine'? I'll add it in to the mod, I've worked out how it could not appear until you were far enough in to the main quest.

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Post by Dark Master »

Originally posted by beornica
Oh goody. I've got dibs on Aldi, Brurid, Endris and Helga, then. When I get the dialogue all together, do I just email it to you, Blake? Or to you, DM?
When I was having a look at the NPC's today I noticed taht Endris was a sleeper. If you have already written dialogue for her, then don't worry, if you have not, its probably better not to. If you have we can substitute names and things and use it in Maar Gan. Sorry I took so long to come round to that one. :(

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Post by Dark Master »

Today I've been playing around with the disposition rating and how that affects what the NPC will tell you, now in Khuul, if you ask Thongar about Latest Rumours, and he likes you less than 80, he'll say that he only tells his friend things, if he likes you 80 or more and you ask him, he'll tell you about his cousin. I'm also developing the story of the Silt Strider guy's father a little more.
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Post by beornica »

Originally posted by Dark Master
When I was having a look at the NPC's today I noticed taht Endris was a sleeper. If you have already written dialogue for her, then don't worry, if you have not, its probably better not to. If you have we can substitute names and things and use it in Maar Gan. Sorry I took so long to come round to that one. :(


:( Awww, but I was gonna have so much fun with her! I was saving her for last because she was going to be the most fun! :( I mean, come on, she's a crazy devil-worshipping sleeper. How much more fun does it get? Couldn't i just give her a fewwww categories? I swear I'll make her very sleeperish. I'll make her try to convert the pc over to sleeperism or something. Like the bonelord that asks you to join in the church sunday social. ;) har har
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Post by Dark Master »

Well it involves a scripting problem. Sleepers have a specific script, which means that we cannot assign them the nolore script, so they can't have unique dialogue, but I've been learning about bit more about the CS today, but I've realised that I can simply remove her from the sleeper script and give her nolore, and then she will be a custom designed sleeper for our town. I don't know if that makes sense, but long and short of it is, yes, she can have dialogue... :D Sorry for the alarm. Trying to convert the PC to sleeperism sounds really intriguing, if you write her response when the PC says yes as well as no, I can add that to the mod so that it will come up in the red text 'no thanks' or 'yes please' or whatever.

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Post by beornica »

You're the best, DM. :D
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Post by Dark Master »

lol, no I'm not. You guys are. Its a team effort.
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Post by beornica »

Holy crap! Endris is a dude! glad I paid him a little visit before I wrote his dialogue. Boy, do I ever feel like a schmuck...
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Post by beornica »

Does anyone have any notable rumours on their characters they'd like to share? I'm making Helga the town gossip, you see, so I'd like her to be the rumour queen.
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Post by Dark Master »

Well, Thongar has been seen with some items that he really shouldn't have. There is a suggestion that he's smuggling with ties to the Cammona Tong..
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