Okay I am pretty new at this game, (yesterday). I'm playing on PC, and I am enjoying the game to the max so far.
But i was wondering where I could go to level up. I'm only at leve 3 three right now (on taris) , and I have beat everybody but Twicth and Bendak in the dueling ring, which I thought was pretty good considering that Ice and Marl have recomended levels of 5-7.
But if I were to go into the lowercity, I would like to have a higher level, so I don't die all the time. So where can I go to beef-up?
You actually don't have much choice about where to go in KotoR: it's a fairly linear game. So if you do the available quests, you'll hit nearly all the experience that you can gain. There are a very few areas where you can hang around to "level up" by facing new opponents in randomly generated encounters, but none of 'em are on Taris.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
Originally posted by fable You actually don't have much choice about where to go in KotoR: it's a fairly linear game. So if you do the available quests, you'll hit nearly all the experience that you can gain. There are a very few areas where you can hang around to "level up" by facing new opponents in randomly generated encounters, but none of 'em are on Taris.
Well - that is possible on Taris, but I fail to see the reason for doing it, because there is plenty of exp in this game, so there is little reason to actually do this.
So I agree with Fable, and just do the avaible quests and you'll gain plenty of exp, but ...
Spoiler, highlight to read:
On Taris, in the Undercity.
In my game (latest patch and all) - then entering and exiting the sewers from the Undercity - will spawn some groups of rakghouls around in the area of the Undercity.
end spoiler.
You mean, some way? No. If you face him battle, you either 1) die, or 2) get DSPs.
To the Righteous belong the fruits of violent victory. The rest of us will have to settle for warm friends, warm lovers, and a wink from a quietly supportive universe.
There is one place on taris where you can get into some fights and gain xp. You could fight the Black Vulkars in both of the Lower City apartments. However, I don't know if any of the enemies there regenerate though.