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backstabbing weapons

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backstabbing weapons

Post by timdylan »

can you give me a list of all the weapons i can backstab with? even if they are prohibited to the theif. i mean can you backstab with a 2 handed weapon or anything else?
anyway could you just post a list of all weapons the theif is able to backstab with (including ranged weapons)?
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Post by glenfar »

Simple - any weapon a thief can normally use, and none that they can't.

For a list, just start creating a full thief, and take a look at what they're allowed to put proficiency points in.
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Post by timdylan »

i dont think youre right because i read somewhere else that they could backstab with other stuff too if they had the use any item ability. you could be right though if some other people agree too maybe it will persuade me better
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Post by Numinor »

Simple - any weapon a thief can normally use
Just to clarify, you can backstab with any melee weapon a thief can normally use (that means all weapons wich have 'usuable by Thief' in their item flags).
These are
long & short swords
scimitars (including Wakizashis & Ninja-Tos)

Weapons which are normally unusable by thieves can't be used to backstab, this includes the Staff of the Magi (though its a quarterstaff, it's only usable by mages), even if you have UAI.
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Post by glenfar »

@timdylan - I have a dual F->T with the UAI ability, and if I try to backstab with a two-handed sword, I get the message "Item is unsuitable for backstab". So that seems pretty definitive ...

@Numinor - You're right - I'd heard someone claim before that you could backstab with range weapons, but I just tried it with a crossbow and it didn't work.
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Post by nephtu »


Am I the only one who gets cheesed off by the idea that you can backstab with a club but not a Spear for Bhaal's sake? To be honest scimitars, Katanas and staves are pretty iffy, too.

/rant off. Ok, I feel better now.
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Post by Thrain »

i think it comes down to the roleplay. a theif can conceal a club and use a quarterstaff as a walking aid but a spear is.......blatant
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Post by timdylan »

thanks a lot dudes
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