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Post by CM »

[QUOTE=werebeargoddess]*sigh* I could get used to this format, but I miss the old colors. I got a nasty shock when I tried to log on on the GB main page and it wouldn't let me. I got even more of a nasty shocf when I clicked the forums button and saw how it had changed. Can't wait till it changes back to the old colors.[/QUOTE]

*wails at the top of his voice* I want the old colors back..good thing they are coming back............otherwise i would have to create internet terrorism and you all know how i hate to get off my butt and actually do something.......
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Post by Aqua-chan »

For some reason I couldn't log into my account today. I tried nearly a dozen times (even with the 15 minute increment between every 5 attempts) but my password seemed to be void.

It wasn't until later did I realize that my requests to get my passwod "reset" were actually being intercepted by my spam blocker. :rolleyes:
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Post by Stilgar »

Same problem here, had to ask for a new PW. But that's not realy a big problem IMO
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Post by Aqua-chan »

I'm just happy that I didn't get a name change like Fas. :D
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Post by CM »

Hey CM is infamous across cricketing boards till this day. I was good analyst and had a rotten temper. People still fear this log on :D
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Post by BuckGB »

Hey everyone,

I just posted a thread in the GameBanshee Discussion forum that discusses the migration and offers a place to report of any bugs you may find. You won't have to put up with this layout for much longer =).
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Post by Coot »

Keep at it, Buck, you're doing fine. Go Buck, go Buck! :)
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Coot]Keep at it, Buck, you're doing fine. Go Buck, go Buck! :) [/QUOTE]Indeed, I secind that ;)

Hmmm.. Brings to mind the Game Banshee products thread.. we never did suggest GB cheerleader pompoms... :eek: :D
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Post by Georgi »

[QUOTE=fable]It doesn't appear as though most of the moderator controls are in place, yet.[/QUOTE]

Hehe, all improvements then. :D
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Post by Ned Flanders »

well said georgi
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=dragon wench]I saw Fable mention that invisible mode is not working for him, I am experiencing this too. Anyone else?

Also.. when I bring up a PM received in my inbox, I don't see a reply option...
Has anybody else noticed this? Is it similar to the search function in that the new system does not properly work for any material from before the changes?[/QUOTE]

PM no reply button trouble here as well.

BTW, I mean, are we going to have another 'great purge' on SYM???
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Post by Xandax »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]PM no reply button trouble here as well.

Use the "Quote" to reply to PMs. (next to the "Forward" button).
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Xandax]Use the "Quote" to reply to PMs. (next to the "Forward" button).[/QUOTE]

Xandax, you should build a 'cheeseguide for vbulletin's Gamebanshee'... just like the one UU has done to BG :D

well, reply is kinda... better... I forwarded a PM so I could send it...
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Post by Xandax »

Reply is proberly a better term to use, but I don't know if it is possible to alter the lable of that button.
Just checked another site I know that runs this version of vBulliten board, and there the button is labled the danish translation of "quote". So it is possible just the vBulletin term.

Otherwise - you can ask Buck if he can change it :cool:
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Post by Bloodthroe »

I'm actually a little frightened of the new forum. I'm not worried about the change. The color in fact is not an issue, but if you go to a person's profile it tells you what forum or thread they're viewing. I fear for my freedom. :o
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Post by Luis Antonio »

[QUOTE=Bloodthroe]I'm actually a little frightened of the new forum. I'm not worried about the change. The color in fact is not an issue, but if you go to a person's profile it tells you what forum or thread they're viewing. I fear for my freedom. :o [/QUOTE]

While I have no qualms with that, I gotta ask you BT. Why? :confused:
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Post by Aqua-chan »

It wasn't the colors I minded so much as the layout. I really don't care for it, so I'm glad to hear Buck will be going back to the old style soon. :)
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Post by Gwalchmai »

[QUOTE=Bloodthroe]I'm actually a little frightened of the new forum. I'm not worried about the change. The color in fact is not an issue, but if you go to a person's profile it tells you what forum or thread they're viewing. I fear for my freedom. :o [/QUOTE]Heh. You could see that with the previous forum set-up by viewing "Who's Online?" *cue Twilight Zone Music* :eek: :D
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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Post by dragon wench »

[QUOTE=Gwalchmai]Heh. You could see that with the previous forum set-up by viewing "Who's Online?" *cue Twilight Zone Music* :eek: :D [/QUOTE]And with the old and the new activating the lurk function solves the problem :p
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Post by Gwalchmai »

[QUOTE=dragon wench]And with the old and the new activating the lurk function solves the problem :p [/QUOTE]Spoil sport. :mad: :p
That there; exactly the kinda diversion we coulda used.
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