[QUOTE=Mr.Waesel]Ok, so I donwloaded this program because I wanted to change some of the NPC's to another class (I want jaheira as a shapeshifter!

) but I don't know how. As I understand it, you have to add all abilities from previous levels manually, right? So how do I do that?
Also, if I change an NPC's alignment, will he still become unhappy as if he were of his old alignment (e.g. Korgan becoming unhappy at rep 20 even if he's LG)

simply open up sk, load saved game, then change jaheira's kit, from none to shapeshifter. leave her class alone. then change her level from what ever it is, to o, o...don't change the third value.
a lawful good korgan will be happy your rep is 20...but his comments will be bloodthirsty and a little funky...
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Darth Gizka!