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BG2 Quest Pack released!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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BG2 Quest Pack released!

Post by jcompton »

Quest Pack for Baldur's Gate 2 has been released!

- Exciting new adventures!
- New and extensive dialogue, with voicing!
- Add new dimensions to popular existing quests!
- Unique and dangerous opponents!
- Treachery and intrigue!

Quest Pack v1 contains a number of components designed to add additional high-quality adventures throughout Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn. It should work correctly with or without the Throne of Bhaal expansion. WeiDU is used to handle installation and uninstallation.
Some components may expand on existing quests, while others may be completely new. All are independent, can be installed separately and do not rely on one another technically or in terms of story.
The mod currently consists of FIVE components, as below. Additional quests and encounters will be added in subsequent releases.

For further information and download links, head over to:

The support forum can be found at:

The components included in this release are as follows:

Additional Shadow Thieves Content
This component expands on the existing quests focussing around the Shadow Thieves.
The function of the component is twofold. Firstly, it allows the player to side with Mae'Var instead of Renal when assigned to infiltrate his guild. Secondly, it allows the player to eliminate Aran Linvail and his guild on the behalf of Brega in Chapter 6.
In the true spirit of thieves, this component allows the player to double cross his allies time after time, although not without consequences.
To side with Mae'Var, simply accept Renal's quest as you would normally. The opportunity will arise to inform Mae'Var of your intentions. Note that siding with Mae'Var prevents acquisition of the thief stronghold.
To assist Brega, ensure that Aran has not already been killed in Chapter 2, and that the player is not in control of the thief stronghold or working with Mae'Var. A messenger should arrive when returning to the city in Chapter 6.

Alternative Xzar/Harpers Plot
This component adds new solutions to the plot involving Xzar and the Harpers. It allows the player to warn the Harpers of Xzar's intentions, therefore removing the previous necessity of doing something unkind to Jaheira to commence her romance.
On the other hand, the player is not bound to his word to help the Harpers, and an evil player may double-cross them if they so wish.
To gain the benefits of this component, simply begin Xzar's quest as normal. New dialog options should become apparent when speaking with the Harpers in the compound.

Extended Reynald Sequence
Reynald de Chatillon is undeniably an intriguing character. Unfortunately, he disappears all too quickly in the original game. This component adds additional material after the original sequence has finished.
The benefit of this component may be gained even if it is installed after the quest has been completed. Simply visiting the Bridge District should trigger it. Otherwise, play the quest as normal; the conditions for Reynald not turning hostile have not been altered.

Money Lending and Debt Problems
This is a completely new quest, but also adds a new feature to the game: a money lender from which the player can borrow. Hints around the game should help you locate him. Of course, while the player can try to avoid paying back his debts, this is not without consequences. And don't expect it to provide an easy solution to getting to Spellhold quickly.
To begin the Debt Problems quest, head to the centre of the Slums District. A woman named Moiya should speak with you.

Miscellaneous Encounters
This component does not add a single new quest per se, but instead introduces various new minor encounters in various places during the game, to spice up the atmosphere.
Some of the encounters may be recogniseable from the third Iron Modder competition; however, all have been fixed and improved in some way. This component may safely be installed over the top of Iron Modder entries, but not vice versa. (Iron Modder entries included are taken from the third competition. Bons' and Icelus' winning entries are included.)
"t's a testament to the determined RPG fraternity that a number of Baldur's Gate II mods have been successfully produced. The best can be found at" - PC Gamer UK
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Post by Sytze »

Great work, a quest pack! This is something BG II could use more often.

I'll try it out as soon as I get the chance, I'm looking forward to play it.
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Post by Nightmare »

Great work, JC! :)
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Post by jcompton »

I had relatively little to do with it... some voicing (please, please, contain your excitement), some "no, this sounds better than this..." and of course the "Is it FINISHED YET?" encouragement. The Ding0 was the lead developer.
"t's a testament to the determined RPG fraternity that a number of Baldur's Gate II mods have been successfully produced. The best can be found at" - PC Gamer UK
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Post by GNGSpam »

This looks extremely interesting. I do have one question though that doesn't seem to be answered on the site.

Does Artemis fight alongside you or against you? I know it should intuitively be against you, afterall he is Drizzt's rival, but of course the recent books by RAS forshadow a change of heart by Artemis and the abandonment of his grudge against Drizzt.

Since this is a user-created mod I guess I was just hoping to see him fight alongside Drizzt instead of against =) He is, afterall, the coolest character in the forgotten realms (even is RAS has taken so long to realize it himself ; )
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Post by Bad Karma »

[QUOTE=GNGSpam]Since this is a user-created mod I guess I was just hoping to see him fight alongside Drizzt instead of against =) He is, afterall, the coolest character in the forgotten realms (even is RAS has taken so long to realize it himself ; )[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Entreri rocks. In my opinion, while The Crystal Shard was still a good book, the introduction of Entreri in Streams of Silver made the series really take off.
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Post by fable »

Guys, please keep this thread on the topic of the Quest Pack. If you want to spam about fantasy books, go to the SYM (Speak Your Mind) forum. Thanks.
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Post by SP101 »

A great quest pack!!! I love the Miscellaneous Encounters :)
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