This strategy is designed for low levels, since it is hard to kill him in lower levels. You can not lay traps for him, specifically because he is already there and does not appear anywhere. Ok, to the strategy. For this strategy to work, you need Tashia and anyone who can weild day star and you also need boots of speed. First, put your boots on a thief with a open locks of about 80-100, go into the place where the lich is and after he talks to you, run to the chest in the back of the room. There you pause the game, grab the un identified sword, and run back out of the room to your awaiting party. Immediately identify it and equip it to your fighter. next give your fighter the boots of speed, and have him/her get ready with Tashia to go after the lich. wait about 2-3 minutes before you go down so the lich's defensive spells wear off. then go down with your fighter and tashia. summon tashias pet thing near the lich and have the fighter whack the lich with daystar. after the mage casts time stop, he will cast death spell to kill Tashia's pet. but that wont take effect until after the time stop is over. The pet is essential to:
a) damage the lich during timestop.
b) to give the live spell casting failures during the timestop stopping him from casting meteor and gate.
After the timestop is done, Tash's pet will die from the death spell, and the lich should be badly injured-near dead. next use your fighter to cast sunray from the sword daystar that you stole earlier. This should kill the lich, if not, just start whacking and cast a magic missle or so on the lich with tashia. This is good experience for low level parties, and is a way to get good items early. Hope you enjoyed
