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Lich Quest

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Post by Morril »

Right! I found out that he cast one Mislead spell at once, and later he again casted another So I had to "kill" him 3 times!
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Post by Ekental »

You can kill Kangaax with traps, plant traps near the bottom left corner of the map
kill his first form with Daystar and such, go the the platform immediately to your left when you enter (two glowing lights at the top), get on the top. After his speach about "ahahaha, I'm a demi-lich now! ahahaha!" and he turns into a demi-lich, nail him with the ring of the ram and he'll fly into all the traps and die (again)
This is prolly what nightmare was talking about, and there seem to be A LOT of threads about this, I recall saying this tactic again sometime last week I tink?
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Post by araknid70 »

Unfortunately it seems as though traps were meant to be all-damaging, spell protections or no. Was this made to make thieves more appealing, or what? Personally I don't use traps as they just turn everything too easy. I only just traps when things go too hard; even then, I limit myself to three traps, at most, and no HL traps. (Unless its a bunch of minions that i'd like to wipe out fast, using exploding trap).
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Post by JonIrenicus »

Ways to Kill Demi-Lich

A few ways to kill the demi-lich is to:

Mage: If you have a mage with spell immunity (have 3-4 memorized) - set it to the very first, left spell. This way the demi-lich can't imprision you. Have the mage as close as you can to the lich(remember to cast it before it runs out), then have a warrior (+4 wep or higher) kill him til he dies. Demi-lich will only target the mage (for he is the closest).

Easy way 1: Have a party with ALL undead protection scrolls lich is powerless.

Easy way 2: Have one fighter have magicial protection on and demi-lich is powerless. Demi-Lich will only target the closest one.

Easy way 3: Get Mace of Disruption and kill him intantally on a bad roll (from the Demi-Liches side).
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Post by Aule »

The first time i beat him was without any tips or whatever,
i just turned into the slayer, he is immune to imprisson and hack away,
i had to reload a couple of times cause there is a small chance you die because of your slayer form but it worked.(BTW i was solloing)
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Post by Ekental »

But if you want to get the ring early, traps are often the most effective... though it does seem fair to PUSH him into the traps right?
Also you could probably polymorph self into a mustard jelly and go attack, they have 100% magic resistance so kangaax isnt going to really hurt you with spells, just have the prot from evil on as well
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Post by JackOfClubs »

[QUOTE=JonIrenicus]Easy way 1: Have a party with ALL undead protection scrolls lich is powerless.[/QUOTE]
This won't work with Kangaxx because he needs to talk to you before he dies and Protection from Undead prevents him from even acknowledging your existence. But if you have 5 Prot Undead and 1 Prot Magic you are in business.

Incidentally, I think this is the problem Arienne was having earlier. Similar problems occur if you try to use 6 Prot Undead scrolls when fighting Bodhi.
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Post by Raumoheru »

wait to protect from undead till after he becomes the demi-lich then :rolleyes:
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Post by stramoski »


[QUOTE=Ekental]But if you want to get the ring early, traps are often the most effective... though it does seem fair to PUSH him into the traps right?
Also you could probably polymorph self into a mustard jelly and go attack, they have 100% magic resistance so kangaax isnt going to really hurt you with spells, just have the prot from evil on as well[/QUOTE]
Magic Resistance does nothing vs the Demi-Lich. Imprisonment doesn't pay any attention to MR...
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Post by Pepsimax_x5 »

Yeah whats the deal with that? Imprisonment is magic so if ur immune how come it works :mad: .Im just angry cuz i dont save that often and once a cowled wizard used inprisonment on my 127% magic resistant Character. :mad: :mad: :mad:
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Post by FireLighter »

ya, that must have sucked lol.
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