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i know the game is dead but for those of us who just got it...

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i know the game is dead but for those of us who just got it...

Post by skibum »

OK, I understand that this is not Black Isle's best piece of work by anyone's standards, mine included. And I know that not may frequent these forums because the game is not played much anymore, or so I gather. However for those of us who just got the game for 14.99 in the US I could use a little help.
I will admit i have the official strategy guide. As with most RPG's I tend to buy them if made for a variety of reasons namely because I hate running around like chicken with its head cut off not knowing what to do. With that said ** POSSIBLE SPOILER AHEAD**

I am in the sewers and I know about the side quests for the thieves with Juanit Suarez, and with the Beggar leader Enrique. I know there is a way to do all the quests for both but not sure how. Does anyone know how? who do i go to first?
thank you very much
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=skibum]OK, I understand that this is not Black Isle's best piece of work by anyone's standards, mine included.[/QUOTE]

Just a minor bit of correction--no offense meant. But Lionheart wasn't a Black Isle Studios game. It was produced by them--that is, done partially with their funds, and their approval--but the game was developed by Reflexive Entertainment.

Getting the developer right means something to those of us who remember the truly great Black Isle games, like Planescape: Torment. ;)
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Post by skibum »

my bad and my apologies. no offense taken fable. however, the case still remains that black isle did have at least a small part in it.

now that that's settled, can anyone help on the question i asked regarding the gameplay?
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Post by runesky »

From what i read on this sites walkthru you cant do both quests as they conflict each other. Once you commit to either Thief or Beggar gang the opposite gang becomes automatic enemies. Thief you have to kill beggar boss and Beggar you have to kill Thief boss. Hope this clears it up for you.
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Post by Farting bob »

Yep, once you agree to side with either beggers or thieves, the others will refuse to talk to you, just attack, and so you cannot complete the quests.
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Post by joshweewee »

Yea i think you can only choose to do one side's quest, although i'd say the beggars are more useful. As for black isle being a producer, i think it has a part in the game and so whatever flaws the game might suffer from should also be considered by the producer as well.
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