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Entering Dagoth Ur

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Entering Dagoth Ur

Post by HiRo11er »

Entering Dagoth Ur (SPOILER)

So I hope this is an easy question that can be answered with a single post...

I have now (for the first time ever) made it all the way to Dagoth Ur with my current character. However, I am having some problems entering the Dwemer stronghold of dagoth Ur. I am standing outside the hidden door, and I've looked everywhere for a crank or something like it that will open the door, but to no avail.
I've collected both Sunder & Keening, but I don't think that matters when it comes to opening the door. Where is the hidden crank?? (I'm almost positiveit's a crank; the entrance is identical to where you find the dwemer puzzlebox early in the main quest, the one with the crank outside)

Please help me kill Dagoth Ur just this once! :)
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Dark Master
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Post by Dark Master »

Ah the crank, that gave me an incredible headache. From the GameBanshee walkthrough: " Ur's citadel is in the center of Red Mountain. Levitating right to its door is the easiest approach, as its built around a treacherous lava lake. Facing the door, to its left side is a pipe with a crank some feet away. Turn this pipe and quickly return to the now-open door. Enter."

Good luck.

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Post by lifeishell91 »

I beleive if you look at the door and turn 180 degrees, and walk forward, you should see the crank, if my memory serves right :rolleyes:
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Post by HiRo11er »


That is the fastest response I've seen so far. Thanks DM, I will finish the game & prosper. Consider this thread closed... :)

EDIT: I can't even type a single-sentence reply before more people answer. TY lifeishell... :) Now that I have confirmed my thoughts that there had to be a crank nearby, I will probably see it within a second of loading the game... :)
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