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Fantasy Wrestling

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Post by Lost One »

Righto, fixed that. Tingle Orcstench has just killed our last commentator, a poor, old grey-elven sorcerer who accidentally casted the forget spell on himself, the silly fool.

Anyway, our new commentator is your social, happy, know-it-all halfling! He will not disappoint you folks.

-hands the microphone to the halfling commentator-

Gee, I'm so happy to be here. My name is.......oh GOSH! No, I was looking at something else...that's not my name really. I'm Gee. You know, 'Gee, isn't the halfling cute'. That's how I was named after I was born. Fun story huh. Oh wait, what are we here for? I thought we were celebrating Frodo's 111th birthday? A wrestling tournament? Right...ok. I can do that. Sure thing Bob. Hm.............

Alright folks, we need 2 more competitors!
Check it out! One of my earliest, and certainly, more creative threads! :)

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Post by werebeargoddess »

Name: Mallorie Wolfington

Race: Human

Class: Fighter

Type: Werebear

Weight: 130 pounds

Height: 5 foot 6

Stamina: fairly good.

Special Attack: Transform At will, Mallorie can change into either her bear form or her bear/human hybrid form. In her human form, she can attack with a flail and shield. In her bear and hybrid forms, she attacks with her claws and teeth.
Body Slam While in either her bear form or her hybrid form, Mallorie can body slam her enemies, throwing 100+ pounds of bear onto them, and maybe even crushing them.
Bear Rush While in her Bear form, Mallorie can run her enemies, attempting to injure, and perhaps even flatten, them.

Special Defenses: Mallorie can brace herself for any attack. The only armor she wears in her human form is leather, in case she needs to transform into one of her other forms. In her bear and hybrid forms, her skin is tougher than normal, and she has fur to protect her as well.

Weaknessess: Like all lycanthropes, Mallorie has a particular weakness to silver, as well as magical +1 or better weapons. She has a strange hatred for werewolves. She also likes the smell of cheese.
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Post by beornica »

name: Beornica

race: half elf, half fairy

weight: 120

height: 5'2"

stamina: berserk

strengths: Though she is named after the bear, she is not built like one. This little elf doesn't have much by way of strength, but just try and catch her! She'll slice and dice you with her patented arrows from across the ring! And be careful, she's a veteran wrestler, having ruthlessly wrestled even though toughest of cat wrestlers, the cougar!
Also, she has a talent for sniffing out her opponent's weak spots, so watch out for them!

weaknesses: Beornica falls down into a dead faint at the sound of a human saying "I don't believe in fairies". But she can easily be brought back to life at the sound of clapping. Other than that, she in invincible.

special attacks:
*The Fairy Walk: a super fast two legged running kick in which she runs up the opponents body and pushes them down to the floor.
*The Two-handed throttle kick: Especially for male opponents. Both hands crack down hard on both sides of the opponent's neck, causing them to black out temporarily, while at the same time giving a good sturdy kick in the crotch. This one's a sure-fire winner every time.
*The Elvensong: Beornica stops to sing and stuns her opponents with her pure elvensong. None are immune.

special defenses:
*The fairy flutter: As incredibly agile as she is, (though, as mentioned before, by no means strong) beornica can dodge almost every blow by casting a simple spell on herself prior to battle. This is achieved through a brief fluttering of the hands, hence the name.
*The broken sword: Another specialized beornica spell. At the whisper of these three words, Beornica can break the weapon of the opponent. Watch out, heavy fighters!

So, who're you gonna pit me against this time? No more cougars, I felt bad whooping that last one's cat-butt.
you know what they say about all work and no play...
It's totally not worth the monetary rewards!!!
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Post by FireLighter »

*sob* no wonder you killed the cougar!! Your "little" fairy, weighs 220 pounds... Typo hopefully! :D
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
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Post by Lost One »

We're ready to go!

Oh boy, oh boy! I'm so excited. My first ever job as a commentator for this truly magnificent event! Too bad there are no halfling ketchup please...yes, as I was saying...i like the steaks well I want to say is KNOCK YOUR OPPONENT'S BRAINS OUT! and good pass me the cheese... :eek: :D

Alright, you heard it from Gee, the halfling commentator. We have our 8 competitors ready...lining up for the bouts this week. We present to you, the DRAW:

Ugh the Swamp Troll Barbarian vs. Mallorie Wolfington the Werebear Fighter.

Iridur Morningblade the Fighter/Priest of Dawn vs. Ironhide the Iron Golem

Eth Lrdd the goblin princess vs. Tingle Orcstench the Dwarf Berserker/Engineer

Beornica the half-elf half-fairy vs. CM! the smelly, crazy one.

The rules are in the first post, but I'll summarize. Any weapon can be employed except magic ONCE inside the ring. You may buff yourself up before though. Killing gets you disqualified, but severe kicking ass is allowed. The fight is over when you stand/lie over your opponent in victory for more than 3 seconds. Before the judges (yes, we have a large panel of cyclops judges here) declare the winner, you'll have to post a strategy for your fight against your opponent. The more thorough you are in predicting your opponent's moves, the more chances you are of succeeding. Once you post, your opponent will also post his strategy for the fight, however THOU cannot use his strategy post to formulate your own counter-strategy. What you can do, is formulate a strategy taking into account the opponent's statistics (stamina, attacks, weaknesses, etc...). Doing otherwise is cheating, and shall be severely be punished by the Lich Lord who rules all, sees all, judges all and doesn't want to be bothered at the moment.

In my next post, I shall give Ugh's strategy versus Mallorie.
Check it out! One of my earliest, and certainly, more creative threads! :)

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Post by Lost One »

Ugh's Strategy - Ugh is not much for strategies. He just wants to evilly humiliate his opponent to the brink of his death. He knows he is going against a female werebear who are known to be ferocious in battle...but he believes that with his stamina, superior height and weight, he can bear Mallorie down. Thus, what he will do is slash at Mallorie now and then with his claws, trying to avoid her attacks with his clumsy footwork and awful stench..and when he feels that Mallorie is worn out and tired...he will send a combo of claw ravage, throat crush and then fall on top of her limp body to claim victory. Simple, but hopefully, efficient.

PS: Post your strategies people! But take your time...I'll be giving the results when I am able to. :) ;)
Check it out! One of my earliest, and certainly, more creative threads! :)

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Post by CM »

CM lets out a fart to make hiroshima look like a bubble. Once farted, CM inhales his own fart and makes sure he is coated in the very smell of his fart. After which he lets out various small farts to further his own stench. His strategy is very simple. He is a human and states he doesnt believe in fairies. Once that is done, he uses his bad breath and farts to make sure the overweight pixie is choking on the stench, when he proceeds to cover her for 3 seconds.

Hand over the prize right now :D
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by FireLighter »

If my chair didnt have hand rests, Id probably fall out of it laughing. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
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Post by CM »

[QUOTE=FireLighter]If my chair didnt have hand rests, Id probably fall out of it laughing. :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D [/QUOTE]

No no....that shouldnt stop you at all. Fall out and hurt yourself :p
For what is it to die but to stand naked in the wind and to melt into the sun? - Khalil Gibran

"We shall fight on the beaches. We shall fight on the landing grounds. We shall fight in the fields, and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills. We shall never surrender!" - Winston Churchill
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Post by FireLighter »

*speaks from the hospital with a broken neck, 2 broken fingers, an arm, and a leg.* Ya, GREAT advice...
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
-Sun Tzu, the Art of War
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Post by Aegis »

A quiet din hovers over the crowd as the lights dim, and the walkway becomes illuminated. After several quiet seconds, the sound of two heavy foot falls can be heard from the adjacent hallway. As seconds pass, they become progressivly heavier and imposing. Suddenly, the stocky frame of Tingle Orcstench is silhouetted by the outside light, with two massive objects propped up on his shoulders. The crowd erupts in a wave of emotion and cheering as Tingle takes his frist step into the arena, the round objects on his shoulders appearing to be two full barrels of Dwarven Gutbuster Ale. His Mohawk standing straight up, and his bare chest rippling with the calloused muscle from years of dwarfy goodness, he walks towards the ring.

Upon reaching it, he drops the barrels to the ground, and cracking one open, dunks an, until now, unseen tankard into the brew, and begins to down it all in one gulp. This dwarf means business.

Tingle Orcstench Strategy: Having learned he was matched up against a goblin, and a female one at that, he naturally let his dwarvern honour get the best of him. He decided he would fore-go his armour for this match, instead deciding to appear in nothing but a loose fitting loin cloth. For arsenal, he decided to make use of a pair of adamantite knuckles, with each knuckle sporting a nasty looking spike. Also, knowing his nut-buster would be reletively useless this round, he intends to make dull use of eye-gouging, and superior muscle. Anticpating the goblin woman to rely heavily on the ball and chain, he intends to move in quickly, make the first couple hits, and keep her on the ropes, hopefully incapictating her quickly. IF the goblin does happen to get some momenteum, though, he fully intends to remain out of the way, allowing the goblin to become a dizzy wreck, and wearing herself down.

HE also figured his smell would mean nothing to the goblin, so to supplment it, he has brought in the famed Gutbuster Brew, the same good stuff that almost brought his Dwarven brothers to victory in the Fantasy World Cup some couple years back. It proved useful for them then, and it doesn't seem likely to miss the target this time. With this potent brew, a stout dwarf can shrug off even the hardiest of attacks. His bright purple mohawk also seems to be sporting some odd discolourization. Upon closer examination, Tingle seems to have capped the top of it with a rather sharp looking blade, which he intends to use if the going gets rough (or to simple give him a sharp hair dew). This dwarf seems ready to wrestle.
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Post by Dottie »

Oh, the dwarf. Eth shakes her head slowly. She would have prefered an easier target, like the iron golem. Well, there is no turning back now...

For this fight Eth will bring the sack of money into the ring. Every dwarf she ever met have been possesed by gold, and she figures one who enters a competition where the prize is 1000 gold, a bag of holding, a goblin and a pixie kingdom will likely be the same. Wich honorable dwarf would want to rule a pixie kingdom and have a goblin slave?

Anyway, she will begin by swinging the sack on her left side, and should the dwarf be distracted by it she will hit him with the club. If the dwarf isnt distracted or learns not to care she will hit him or his fists with the sack, likely tearing a hole in it. When a few coins escapes the bag she hopes the dwarf will try to pick them up, and use that opurtunity to find some opening in his armor and hit with the spiked club. If that also fails she will threw the sack in the air either to distract the dwarf, or should he know better than caring about the sack by now, instead hitting him in the head on the way down.

Other than that, Eth will come in full spiked armor to this fight, figuring a fist fighting dwarf stand a reasonable chance to be hurt by her spikes. She will however do her best to stay out of reach for the dwars fists and hit him from far with her spiked club.
While others climb the mountains High, beneath the tree I love to lie
And watch the snails go whizzing by, It's foolish but it's fun
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Post by Luis Antonio »

Iridur Morningblade is rejoicing on the first dawn of the contest. His time to win, to be the favoured one, is close. His main goal is to get the world rid of dark influences - and mainly, goblins, orcs and unnatural CMistic creatures.

His blade glows. His eyes sparkle with the light of the new day. And the stench of his enemies come to his nose, making it hard to breathe.

*Time to slay.*
*Cast protection from evil*
*Shield of faith*
*memorizes 4 times zone of sweet air.*
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by werebeargoddess »

Mallorie looks around quietly, taking everything in. She knows her opponent is a troll, but is not afraid. She will try to hack at Ugh with her flail and shield, but seeing as he's an amazingly strong troll, it probably won't work. From there, she'll transform into her bear form, and will attempt to rush Ugh. If that didn't work, she'll try slamming into Ugh. She'll alternate rushing and slamming the troll until Ugh falls, or until she faints from sheer exaustion, whichever comes first.
I wanted to change my sig, but I can't think of anything to change it to :(
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Post by beornica »

[QUOTE=FireLighter]*sob* no wonder you killed the cougar!! Your "little" fairy, weighs 220 pounds... Typo hopefully! :D [/QUOTE]
LOL!!!!! yeah, I'd better edit tht.........
you know what they say about all work and no play...
It's totally not worth the monetary rewards!!!
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Post by Rob-hin »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]Iridur Morningblade is rejoicing on the first dawn of the contest. His time to win, to be the favoured one, is close. His main goal is to get the world rid of dark influences - and mainly, goblins, orcs and unnatural CMistic creatures.

His blade glows. His eyes sparkle with the light of the new day. And the stench of his enemies come to his nose, making it hard to breathe.

*Time to slay.*
*Cast protection from evil*
*Shield of faith*
*memorizes 4 times zone of sweet air.*[/QUOTE]


Like zone of sweet air will save you from a golem. HE DOESN'T STINK! :p
Oh boy you're gonna get it. :D

*klang BOOM klang BOOM klang BOOM klang BOOM*
The crowd turns around on their seats as Ironhide enters the arena of DOOOOOooooommmm.... *echo*

Weighing an an incredible 5,000 pounds, everybody bounces up and down in their seats as Ironhide makes his way towards the centre ring. His metal exoskeleton sparkles brightly as the arena spotlights centre upon him.

He pauzes a second and looks around the arena crowd. Like two hot glowing coals, his eyes scan the environment. Slowly, his mouth opens and a creaking voice thunders through the arena.
"Prepare to be exterminated."

Then, the amazing golem continueed making his way towards the ring. On his way, he crushes a spectator or two. *klang SPLUT klang BOOM klang SPLUT klang BOOM*

As he reaches the ring, he lifts his right leg and stepped onto the ropes, pushing them down into the floor. In his mechanical mind, his master's orders lingered. "When the fight starts, make your way to the opponent and smash him or her. BUT, bon't kill him or her. Then simply put one of your feet on him. Knocking him KO is fine too."

...It was pure genius. The evil master sat next to the ring, ready to coach his instrument of destruction. "Yes," Rob-hin thought. "The puny Elf doesn't stand a chance. He can never lift 5000 pounds of stainless steal metal!"

"If he wins this fight, then the tournament is in the pocket. Most opponents use smell as their weapon, and golems don't breathe."

*Evil grin*
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Post by Aegis »


Like zone of sweet air will save you from a golem. HE DOESN'T STINK! :p
Oh boy you're gonna get it. :D

*klang BOOM klang BOOM klang BOOM klang BOOM*
The crowd turns around on their seats as Ironhide enters the arena of DOOOOOooooommmm.... *echo*

Weighing an an incredible 5,000 pounds, everybody bounces up and down in their seats as Ironhide makes his way towards the centre ring. His metal exoskeleton sparkles brightly as the arena spotlights centre upon him.

He pauzes a second and looks around the arena crowd. Like two hot glowing coals, his eyes scan the environment. Slowly, his mouth opens and a creaking voice thunders through the arena.
"Prepare to be exterminated."

Then, the amazing golem continueed making his way towards the ring. On his way, he crushes a spectator or two. *klang SPLUT klang BOOM klang SPLUT klang BOOM*

As he reaches the ring, he lifts his right leg and stepped onto the ropes, pushing them down into the floor. In his mechanical mind, his master's orders lingered. "When the fight starts, make your way to the opponent and smash him or her. BUT, bon't kill him or her. Then simply put one of your feet on him. Knocking him KO is fine too."

...It was pure genius. The evil master sat next to the ring, ready to coach his instrument of destruction. "Yes," Rob-hin thought. "The puny Elf doesn't stand a chance. He can never lift 5000 pounds of stainless steal metal!"

"If he wins this fight, then the tournament is in the pocket. Most opponents use smell as their weapon, and golems don't breathe."

*Evil grin*
"Eeeeexcelent"[/QUOTE]*somewhere off to the side, in a gruff, stout voice, much like that of a crazy scotsman* Ach! Scab!

@Rab: Should've coated him with teflan too... Make him nice and non-sticking :D :o
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Luis Antonio
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Post by Luis Antonio »


Like zone of sweet air will save you from a golem. HE DOESN'T STINK! :p
Oh boy you're gonna get it. :D

*klang BOOM klang BOOM klang BOOM klang BOOM*
The crowd turns around on their seats as Ironhide enters the arena of DOOOOOooooommmm.... *echo*

Weighing an an incredible 5,000 pounds, everybody bounces up and down in their seats as Ironhide makes his way towards the centre ring. His metal exoskeleton sparkles brightly as the arena spotlights centre upon him.

He pauzes a second and looks around the arena crowd. Like two hot glowing coals, his eyes scan the environment. Slowly, his mouth opens and a creaking voice thunders through the arena.
"Prepare to be exterminated."

Then, the amazing golem continueed making his way towards the ring. On his way, he crushes a spectator or two. *klang SPLUT klang BOOM klang SPLUT klang BOOM*

As he reaches the ring, he lifts his right leg and stepped onto the ropes, pushing them down into the floor. In his mechanical mind, his master's orders lingered. "When the fight starts, make your way to the opponent and smash him or her. BUT, bon't kill him or her. Then simply put one of your feet on him. Knocking him KO is fine too."

...It was pure genius. The evil master sat next to the ring, ready to coach his instrument of destruction. "Yes," Rob-hin thought. "The puny Elf doesn't stand a chance. He can never lift 5000 pounds of stainless steal metal!"

"If he wins this fight, then the tournament is in the pocket. Most opponents use smell as their weapon, and golems don't breathe."

*Evil grin*

When everybody thinks the puny Elf is down, and too heavily damaged to counter atack, he is granted the favour from his god, and his shield of light activates, giving him time to cast his spells unnharmed. He casts the refugee spell, Sanctuary, and then Heal, while the running brainless golem keeps trying to harm him and dont understand nor question himself why is that happening.

_Lathander, he prays, grant me victory this day! *his sword starts glowing furiously, and the golem is starting to heat himself a lot*


Out of sanctuary.



Golem has 1 hit point.

Golem hits Iridur Morningblade once again, who falls far, far away from his foe.


*Spiritual Hammer*

*Shield of Faith*

*Summon Skeletons*

*Sanctuary cancelled cause of Summon Skeletons*

The golem start slaying the frail skeletons.

Iridur Morningblade aproaches him from behind, Wacking him a furious blow on his head.
Flesh to stone ain't permanent, it seems.
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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=Rob-hin]It was pure genius. The evil master sat next to the ring, ready to coach his instrument of destruction. "Yes," Rob-hin thought. "The puny Elf doesn't stand a chance. He can never lift 5000 pounds of stainless steel metal!"[/QUOTE]
Thought you were iron??
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
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Post by FireLighter »

[QUOTE=Luis Antonio]When everybody thinks the puny Elf is down, and too heavily damaged to counter atack, he is granted the favour from his god, and his shield of light activates, giving him time to cast his spells unnharmed. He casts the refugee spell, Sanctuary, and then Heal, while the running brainless golem keeps trying to harm him and dont understand nor question himself why is that happening.

_Lathander, he prays, grant me victory this day! *his sword starts glowing furiously, and the golem is starting to heat himself a lot*


Out of sanctuary.



Golem has 1 hit point.

Golem hits Iridur Morningblade once again, who falls far, far away from his foe.


*Spiritual Hammer*

*Shield of Faith*

*Summon Skeletons*

*Sanctuary cancelled cause of Summon Skeletons*

The golem start slaying the frail skeletons.

Iridur Morningblade aproaches him from behind, Wacking him a furious blow on his head.[/QUOTE]
No magic in ring sorry...
"To fight and conquer in all your battles is not supreme excellence; supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."
-Sun Tzu, the Art of War
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