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Dead guy in the river!

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Count Zero
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Dead guy in the river!

Post by Count Zero »

I thought I might as well get this forum going with a problem that has been bugging me for ages.


In Tokyo there is supposed to be a dead guy in the river with loads of cool stuff and an upgrade cylinder.
I have swum around the river system for ages but cannot find him. Can someone give me the exact location as I have played the game about six times and he is one of only things I cannot find.


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Post by Noober »

By Tokyo do you refer to Hong Kong?
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Post by Count Zero »

yeah, oops.
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Post by Noober »

I can't remember how I got there but in that place there's a freezer, you should be able to enter a ventilation duct after jumping up a few crates. Follow it and you reach a ladder leading underwater. You'll reach a place with some baby karkians (sp?) after swimming a little. Take them out and keep going. Go left, get out of the water and go over several rocks, and you'll see a corpse next to a canister.
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Post by Bloodmire »

i think i no

i have played the game many times over but it has been a while since i have(to busy on the new 1 :p ) so my memory is a bit rusty on this game i think you go down the back street (near the red arrow base) and there is a tunel if u go there eralyer in the game there is a gang war then there is a littel door at the top end go in there go down the ladders and i think it is down there it is a colapsed part of the tunnel and there is loads of water but at 1 end there is a poket of air this is where u will find where u will find wot u r looking 4 i think either that or this is the back entrance to the versa life building i cant rember if it is the last 1 i am sorry as i sed long time since i have played on it
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Post by Volk »


Yes he is the guy Tong mentions when he sends you to the VersLife building the second time i belive. To find him you will most likely need aqualung,a high swimming skill or at least a second level regeneration, to keep yourself for drowning then just swim around a lot, i dont remeber exactly where to find him however, but i think if you listen carefully to Tong he will mention his location.
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Post by Anonononomous »

The first set of instructions is correct, the secong wrong.

You need to go to the freezer of the bar, you use a back door, not a door in the bar. Then jump up the stack of boxes in the middle of the room and get into the vent shafts. Then follow them untill you find a big ladder that heads to some water. At the bottom there is a crate with some rebreathers you can use if you need them. I walys just turn on regeneration. Go into the unken tunnel, up and to the left are some kharkians and the aug upgrade, to the right is some weapon stuff. I think there's a laser mod, though it's been a few years, so I can't be sure.
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Post by Count Zero »

Thanks everyone.
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Post by UncleScratchy »

[QUOTE=Count Zero]In Tokyo there is supposed to be a dead guy in the river with loads of cool stuff and an upgrade cylinder.
I have swum around the river system for ages but cannot find him. Can someone give me the exact location as I have played the game about six times and he is one of only things I cannot find.[/QUOTE]

I guess by Tokyo you really mean Hong Kong. The dead guy does not have "loads" of cool stuff. Just an augment canister. You can get to him via the nightclub/bar where the guy runs up to you mistaking you for Paul. Go into the freezer room. Climb up on the crates and shimmy onto the ventilation duct. Open one of the vents and go inside. Follow the vent ducting until you get to a ladder and water. At this point you will have to go for a pretty long swim in the dark. I think its a must to have at least two points on swimming and a crossbow with tranquilizer darts. Dive down the shaft and head to the left as to exit the shaft into the collapsed tunnel. Going to the right is a dead end. There are three krakens down here. You will want to swim to the left until you can come up for air. It will be dark. As soon as you see a kraken, shoot it with a dart (its the only ranged weapon you can use underwater). Grab some air and head back to the shaft for a rest and more air. Keep doing this until all three krakens are dead. Now swim up into the tunnel where you killed two of the krakens and explore. You will find the dead scientist and the cannister. This quest is more a pain in the butt than hard. Once you know where the entrance is what you are facing its a doddle. Dive - shoot - return - repeat.
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Post by Anonononomous »

Hehe, Krakens.
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