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Great Houses

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Great Houses

Post by Elfwood »

Can someone tell me what exactly all the Great Houses specialise in because in my last game i joined Halu only to find out they were bloody theives, now, i should have guessed that from what eveyone else said but i didnt. Oh and i was a fighter who uses short wepons and has acrobatics, but NEVER uses theivery or sneaking. TOO MUCH EFFORT!

Thanks to anyone who helps.
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Post by fable »

It should be kinda obvious: Redoran is for fighting, Hlaalu is for stealing, and Telvanni is for beating people up via magic.
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Post by lifeishell91 »

And their personalitiess go as followed:

Hlaalu = Sneaky
Redoran = Noble and proud
Telvanni = Ruthless, evil and powerful (I enjoy this house the most! :p )
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Post by Ares2382 »

I wouldn't say that Telvanni are ruthless, they are just of mentality do whatever you want but don't get caught doing it.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Ares2382]I wouldn't say that Telvanni are ruthless, they are just of mentality do whatever you want but don't get caught doing it.[/QUOTE]

That's a fair assessment. By their own standards, they are simply pragmatic in the pursuit of their goals. Hlaalu tends to be sneakier in achieving theirs, while Redoran believes the best way to get what it wants is to at least appear to take the high road.
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Post by hwesta_elf »

Well, the Great Houses are annoying... Me, I'm in Redoran (totally by mistake, but a good twist of fate.) and my sister is in Hialuu and I've watched her play it. Probably you would want to be in Hialuu for the money rewards and Redoran for... for... well, I don't know because I can't get past this (spoiler) ash statue/bad dreams quest. And the thing about Telvanni is that they are REALLY mean if you are in another house. I mean- sure they just as bad as ordinators but yeah... I bet if (at the beginning) you chose Combat for your specialization you'd want Redoran and if you chose Stealth you'd want Hialuu and if you chose magic you'd want Telvanni but I am a sneaky woodelf and I joined Redoran and I'm doing fine... (except for the stupid quest)... (I personally love the feel of being "Honorable" but I'm a suckup :D )
~Missy the LotR/elf fan~
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