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Was just wondering

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Was just wondering

Post by Opalescence »

Would it be better for me to go Kensai/Wizard or Kensai/Sorcerer. Before you ask, I'm going over to caster at lvl 9 and nothing you say will make me make go caster at lvl 12. I've decided, after some debate and reading the boards, and I'm sticking by my decision. :D Anyhow, I can't decide. Here's the pros and cons I've come up with:

More choices. Because you can unmemorize spells at will, you're never short of options. If you're faced by someone with immunity to Time Stop, unmemorize your Time Stops in favor of something else. Etc.
You get an exp hack :o . Every spell you learn gains you experience, and if you find a scroll of fireball, you can unlearn your fireball and then relearn it again for more exp goodness. Especially useful early on, when you're lvl 9 Kensai and lvl 1 wizard and want to lvl your wizard class quickly.
Charisma, for talking to other people, can be easily gained early on with the ring of set your CHA to 18 (forgot its name).
More spells. To make up for the lack of choices, the Sorcerer gains more spells to cast in general, making a far better nuke than a Wizard.

So, basically, the choice is between whether I want the caster part to merely enhance my combat abilities, or whether I want a tank/nuke. I'm not sure what I want, so I'm asking everyone here which one is better :confused: . Thanks in advance, guys!
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Post by fable »

Can you even make a kensai/sorceror? I don't think it's possible. Aren't both specialist classes in BG2? I really need to get back to playing more...
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Post by Galuf the Dwarf »

[QUOTE=fable]Can you even make a kensai/sorceror? I don't think it's possible. Aren't both specialist classes in BG2? I really need to get back to playing more...[/QUOTE]

No, Sorcerers are pretty much their own class in BG2.
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Post by fable »

But my point was that you can't make a kensai/sorc, because sorcs are treated (in this instance) as though they were a specialist class. And you can't dual-class two specialist classes.
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Post by Eryndel »

You can't dual to sorcerer for the same reason you can't dual to bard. There doesn't exist a viable multiclass that includes sorcerer.

It's valid by the AD&D rules (ignoring the fact that sorcerers don't exist in AD&D). It's a game engine liimitaton. Maybe you can pull it off in Shadowkeeper.
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Post by Thrain »

it is not viable (it's also so munchkinified it's untrue) but i vaguely remember UserUnfriendly posting how it's possible.
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Post by fable »

[QUOTE=Thrain]it is not viable (it's also so munchkinified it's untrue) but i vaguely remember UserUnfriendly posting how it's possible.[/QUOTE]

Well, if anyone could do it, that would be him. :D
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Post by glenfar »

You could simply change your class to Sorcerer, XP to 0, and level to 0. You'd retain your Kai ability for sure, not sure how it affects #attacks and Thaco (but dualing at level 9, that's not really an issue anyway).

Only problem would be the game would consider you a Sorcerer, with the corresponding weapon restrictions. I believe UU copies the UAI ability from a thief (under Affects) to get around that ... but I don't know what the value for that is off hand.
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Post by Sytze »

Sorcerers can't dual or multiclass, since they are hardcoded.

Giving someone Use Any Item is very simple; just give your character the UAI ability with SK (can be found under the abilties tab :p ), memorise it and activate it in the game.
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