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Banter pack: any bugs in it?

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Banter pack: any bugs in it?

Post by krunchyfrogg »

I just downloaded this thing, but haven't installed it yet. Are there any bugs created by this mod that I should know about before I use it?

Also, are there a lot of added banters with this party?:


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Post by Baldursgate Fan »

No major bugs, but...

you may want to have more than 1 backup of your dialog.tlk file.

If you are using editors such as Shadow Keeper or NI, some of the dialog files may show in place of certain items, hence the necessity of multiple backups.

For a full account of what's right or wrong with Banter cum Flirt packs, the Pocket Plane forum is a good place to go:

As you have already downloaded the pack, the readme should have some info on the extensiveness of the banters.

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Post by jcompton »

Some people have reported that the boots Jan gives you don't dispel their effects for a very, very long time. I'm currently deciding how much of a "bug" this is. Aside from that, they work.

The bit about the string corruption in items and so forth will never happen in a well-maintained mod installtion--one where you're not going and doing things we shout about not doing, like installing TOB or the Bioware patch atop mods. So it's nothing to fear.
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Post by Nightmare »

A word of advice about the banter accelerator, though. Don't install it. It also increases the normal SoA banters. All the banters will be done very quickly and won't be strenched across the game.

At least, that's my 2 GP.
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Post by SP101 »

The boots are supposed to transform you into a Jan copy for a long time (don't remember how many, but it's like 10 or more days)
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