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Rare sword, Hoes fire or true flame..somthin

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Rare sword, Hoes fire or true flame..somthin

Post by Maruchan »

Rare sword, Hopes fire or true flame..somthin

everybody is talking about hopesfire or true flame or somthin under shadow wolfs "best axe and sword" :confused: but is that the sword that looks like its on fire kinda, its almost like there is a sword with fire running along the back side of it. I have seen it in some screen shots and I was wonderin(if not a mod) where can you get it and is it in mournhold and if it is a mod where can I get it still.....I would like it.......uhhh thanxs :D
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Post by SupaCat »

YEh its probo. that. You get it somewhere at the end of main quest tribunal
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Post by Maruchan »

100th post cool, so you get it as the lasty thing for tribunal.......wait dont you have to be like level 80 or somthin to beat it and what amount of damage does it do
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Post by SupaCat »

I played tribunal at 30 first( hard ) but second time 30 too ( easy ). Trueflame is very usefull with a shield. Its like 10-80 etc.. and 50 fire dam orsomething
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Post by Maruchan »

so I gotta beat tribunal to get that ho
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Post by SupaCat »

but if you play it watch out for the goblins, they are killers in big groups
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Post by Maruchan »

lol thanks for the help I need to get to mornhold first :D
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Post by dairy »

Spoiler sorta

somewhat of a spoiler

until you get trueflame, try using sunder....1 fully charged hit will take down pretty much anything if you can get a critical (lots of chameleon CE gear). using sunder and a few other enchantments you can clear the sewers at a full out run and never have to stop. just whack run whack run whack etc
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Post by Maruchan »

I can do it with goldbrand BUT true flame sounds cooler and its more powerful from the sounds of it ahh one more thing does it look cooler than goldbrand :D true flamer :p :D
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Post by dairy »


it also works as a torch if you dont have CE night eye
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Post by Maruchan »

dude thats freakin awsome does the flame go down when the charge goes down and how much does it weight also how hard is tribunal to beat :D
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Post by JesterKing »

no the flame doesnt go down... its always on fire. It looks cool at first, but after a while (for me at least) it got pretty tacky looking. a curved and spiked scimtar eternally on fire... and fire damdage doesnt do much to dunmer, who are more than 50 % of the population of bad guys.
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Post by Maruchan »

lol, good point I just want to make my cousin mad that I have a cooler sword :p
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Post by beornica »

[QUOTE=dairy] using sunder and a few other enchantments you can clear the sewers at a full out run and never have to stop. just whack run whack run whack etc[/QUOTE]
HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!! Why does that strike me as being so hilarious?
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Post by unregisturd »

[QUOTE=beornica]HAHAHAHAHAAA!!!!!! Why does that strike me as being so hilarious?[/QUOTE]

I... don't... know... Anyways, I've been using the Umbra sword. I know you all hate it, but I tried going through Morrowind without it, (exploring and stuff, because I had accidentally forgot it at home :p ) and I couldn't stand it! I mean, everything of mine is basically at 100, and I was using this puny little silver dagger to kill things, and it took me like, hours to kill one stupid cliff racer. I don't even want to say how long it took me to take out an Ascended Sleeper... But with my Umbra, it's just like, "Whack whack wha-he's dead." Why don't you people like that sword? I tried going around Morrowind with just throwing stuff/arrows and bow, and that got annoying. I mean, you can't aim when you get hit, and if you happen to release the string while you're getting hit, the arrow flies off to nowhere. And you can't even retrieve it. *Tisk tisk.* Anyways, I like my bow, taking things down from afar, but close up, I prefer the Umbra. Of course, I haven't gotten Sunder and Keening and Trueflame or whatever, but still... Again, what's so wrong with the Umbra?
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Post by Rane »

[QUOTE=JesterKing]no the flame doesnt go down... its always on fire. It looks cool at first, but after a while (for me at least) it got pretty tacky looking. [/QUOTE]

Guess how I feel then? For some reason my Trueflame is bugged, or maybe I should say malfunctioning. The flame is there but apparently the Dwemer who forged the blade must've been really drunk. The angle of the flame and the blade don't match, so basically the flame is in front of the blade, not around it. The fire comes out from the same spot as the blade but then it somehow "leans" forward. So it's a dual-blade. And it looks freaky...
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Post by dairy »

umbra has nothing on sunder. nothing on an enchanted daedric dai katana for that matter. heck, not even on a daedric claymore. pretty much all umbra is good for is screen shots, and even then it doesnt look that great. basically its only redeeming point is that its one big mother trucker.
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Post by Anonononomous »

Umbra is simply too heavy. As is the Ice Blade of the Monarch. The best thing about Hopesfire and Trueflame is that they are so light. You can easily carry both without denting your carrying capacity.
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Post by unregisturd »

umbra has nothing on sunder. nothing on an enchanted daedric dai katana for that matter. heck, not even on a daedric claymore. pretty much all umbra is good for is screen shots, and even then it doesnt look that great. basically its only redeeming point is that its one big mother trucker.
Well, I wasn't saying it was the best sword. I was just saying that it does get the job done and wondered why everyone pretty much abhored it.

Umbra is simply too heavy. As is the Ice Blade of the Monarch. The best thing about Hopesfire and Trueflame is that they are so light. You can easily carry both without denting your carrying capacity.

I agree, it is heavy, but my character is no weakling, so I can deal with it. Not only is he strong, but he wears... I forget the name of the robe... But it has 50 points of feather on it, so pretty much, I can carry the Umbra and like it was nothing and still have 2 extra lbs lifted. :D (Umbra is 48 lbs, right?) Anyways, like I said, I'm not saying it's the best sword, but I have yet to come across a better. (I haven't gotten any of the other swords, Trueflame, Hopesfire, whatever, none of them, and I haven't enchanted any of my Deadric stuff yet.) I was merely saying... For being a sword that you find randomly in the hills of Morrowind, it's not that bad.
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Post by Rookierookie »

It pisses me off that Almalexia's blade is better than Trueflame (it is lighter).

At one point I carried Umbra, Daedric Long Bow, Trueflame, Hopesfire, Her Ebony Scimitar, Ice Blade of the Monarch, Sunder, and Keening, along with Souldrinker and a Daedric dagger of stunning.

I decided that 619 units of weight were too much, though.
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