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Imoen Romance Problems (possibly spoilerish)

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Imoen Romance Problems (possibly spoilerish)

Post by Adahn »

First of all, i'd like to say i'm back from my long vacation. In case some of you were asking themselves "Where'd the annoying guy go?". Anyways, back to topic. I've installed the Imoen Romance as some of you might remember from my nagging about how "dark" it was. And the truth is i've had my fill of it, I wanted to uninsal it, but i've been gone so long I don't remember how to do it, can someone please tell me what I need to do in order to get it out of the game? Cause I can't find the read me. :(
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Post by Numinor »

Since it's a WeiDU Mod all you need to do should be running the Setup-Imoen.exe located in you BG2 main directory and select the "Uninstall"-option.
I never tried that particualr mod, but it works that way with almost all mods in WeiDU format.
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Post by Adahn »

Hey... i never thought about that. Thanks Numinor ^.^ I'll get to it as soon as I can. Oh and another thing, this dosn't really have much to do with the Imoen Romance but, does anyone know if there's a mod that removes the annoying globe like effect from Geirthan's Plate? The one that can be bought from one of the extra merchants at the Adventurer's Mart?
Usstan inbal l' uyl'udith ssinssrigg jihard wun l' tresk'ri! ^^ And it's true too hehe
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