Need help with multi player with DSL modem
Need help with multi player with DSL modem
My friend and I have recently been trying to play Baldurs Gate 2 in multi player mode but have so far, not been successful. I am well acquainted with the game, as I have beaten it with several partys on several different occasions, but multi player is new for me. Could someone please give a step by step process of how to start a multi player game with a friend through DSL? Thanks.
No, your IP adress identifies your computer on the internet and is assigned everytime you connect your computer to the internet. Most providers assign a random number everytime, only a few assign a fixed address.
An easy way to find out your IP address is to visit (It's in German but there's nothing you actually need to read except the number )
An easy way to find out your IP address is to visit (It's in German but there's nothing you actually need to read except the number )
There are three kinds of people that no one understands: geniuses, madmen and guys that mumble.
You can also find your IP here :
It's easier to remember. Finally, if you have a Router you can't host. You'll need to have your friend host the game or to config your router.
It's easier to remember. Finally, if you have a Router you can't host. You'll need to have your friend host the game or to config your router.