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HUH? Wut Do I Do?

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HUH? Wut Do I Do?

Post by GameLoser »

:confused: I was sent by some shadow theif (Arvil or somethin) to the graveyard district... why? I gotta do somethin in the crypts i know but wut??? (Also there's no coverage on this in the quests link or walkthhrough) :confused: help.......please.......... :p
and he who lay with the devil cry:
I am death, a victem of life.
I am cold and oblivious.
Who says ignorance is bliss?
I am the darkness, blinded by light.
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Post by glenfar »

Sounds like you were sent to kill Bodhi?

If you check the graveyard district, you'll find a few entrances to the "Lower Tombs" - that's where you want to go. If you're still having trouble, just go into every tomb you can - when you find one that opens into more than just a single room, you've found it.
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Post by Brynn »

It would be easier to help if you told us where you are. Entering the lower tombs are surely one of your goals, once you did that look for a mage with a golem guarding a big blue door in the western part of the tombs. Also, if you have Edwin or Korgan in your party, don't forget to look around in the southern part (watch out for the undead minions), b/c SPOILER: there you'll find eihter the lich holding Edwin's Nehter scroll or the traces of the book stealers Korgan is after.

If you're still above the groudnd, be sure to look around and SPOILER: help the man buried alive (northern part of the graveyard, you have to click on the grave to talk to him), and help Risa, the orphan by talking to his father and to the kinght who's standing in front of a tomb to the east. Also, if it's late night, you might encounter a child's ghost, who's looking for his teddy bear that was taken by a man to the Copper Coronet.

See, there's much to do beside the main quest, too :)
Good luck! Let us know if you succeed, OK?
Up the IRONS!
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