i am playing as kensai/mage, but i cannot cast any spells! the icon that you would click on to access the spells is faded. i just dualed and am at level four as a mage. i have spells memorized in my spellbook, but they can't be accessed through the icon!!!! as you see, big strong men, i need help. maybe it's because i used shadowkeeper to edit a saved game from just after emerging from irenicus' dungeon. if so, there has to be some way to fix this! i don't want to have to start over and go through the incredibly tedious dungeon all over again!!!!! help me, please!!!!!!
Do you still have armor on?? Mages can't cast spells when they have armor on. The icon will be dimmed out in this case. That's probably what's happening.
the character was originally a fighter and i didn't want to go through the entire dungeon again so i changed it to kensai. at level 9, i dualed it to a mage. under characteristics, it says CLASS - Fighter/Mage, KIT - Kensai. The spells I have memorized are shown in Shadowkeeper and it also shows that i'm allowed to memorize 4 level one wizard spells and 3 level two wizard spells. in my spellbook, the spells appear as if they have been memorized, they aren't faded like they've been used. but for whatever reason, i can't access them
What are your characters stats?? If you used shadowkeeper to dual him, it may be that you don't have the correct stats to actually dual. I believe you'd need at least a 17 in both Int and Str to be able to do this. If you don't have high enough Int, it will look like you have memorized spells, but the spellcasting button on the screen will be brown as you describe. I believe this is your problem.
i dualed within the game, not by using shadowkeeper, so had my intelligence not been at least 17 it would not have allowed me to do that. my int is 18.
Originally posted by stupiduglyskank:
<STRONG>i dualed within the game, not by using shadowkeeper, so had my intelligence not been at least 17 it would not have allowed me to do that. my int is 18.</STRONG>
Sorry but I'm out of ideas :-( If you find out happened, please post it. I'd be curious to find out what is causing this. Sorry I couldn't help.