I find this interesting, because cultural conditioning (sorry there's that phrase again
Personally, I think my partner looks better clean shaven with short hair because it enhances his eyes and cheek bones. However, I also think some men look really hot with a *neatly* tied back pony tail and a well-kept, closely-trimmed goatee.
The mountain man look just doesn't do it for me
But the thing is why do we have likes and dislikes such as this? I would like to think my own preferences are more based on aesthetics than cultural conditioning, but I am not quite that naive, and in all probability what I find aesthetically pleasing is influenced by any cultural baggage I might be carrying around.
As I mentioned in the other thread, I wear my hair long because I think it works better for me and I just like long hair, but again.... I am to some degree falling into a stereotype...
And the other interesting thing is that men wearing long hair are often considered to be challenging convention. This is also the case, to a much lesser degree, with women who wear their hair short..... In an intriguing parallel.. women can easily get away with wearing more androgynous or somewhat masculine clothing... but if a man wears a skirt......
Opinions? Reflections?