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Telvanni Bug Musk

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Telvanni Bug Musk

Post by Opalescence »

Why can't I ever find this stuff when I need it?! Gahh ... now normally I treat personality, speechcraft and especially mercantalism (because it's broken, broken as in "not working correctly", not "overpowered") as very secondary concerns, so I find myself forced to chug down Bug Musk like it was soda whenever I have to convince somebody about something and needed his dispo higher. Do you guys know where I might reasonably expect to always find bug musk? So far I just stumble upon it in my journeys, and save the bottles for a rainy day, but every so often I run out and I really need a decent source of Telvanni Bug Musk! Should I just succumb and just use Alchemy to brew my own Fortify Personality potions, using the Fortify Intelligence potion trick? I feel queasy about using cheese like that but if there's no guarenteed source of bug musk I may have to :( . Somebody help! :D
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Post by fable »

Another thread here just mentioned the trader in Tel Mora as a source for bug musk, but I would suggest going the Fortify Personality route, or investing in the spell that accomplishes the same thing. The latter is obviously cheaper, but alchemy has a lot of other advantages, as well.
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Post by Digitalchimp »

im fairly sure that a good source of that particular item is like smugglers caves, e.g. the one accross from the stilt strider in seyda neen
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Post by Gromph »

Why cant you just make a potion yourself? its so muc easier, or why cant you just be like the rest of us poor saps? bribing everyone in site, or get potions of fortify personality, or get one of the many items that can be used to charm ppl
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Post by Lonelypilgrim »

U can get it from an alchemist in Vivec´s Foreign Quarter.
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