[QUOTE=Morlock]Steven Spielberg. Nice Jewish kid, grew up loving film and collecting film scores in the middle of nowhere, thunderstruck by Lawrence of Arabia at 15, thinks John Williams is the greatest composer ever. What inspiration could I want? (I fit all those desciprtions).
Morlock- a film nut and the biggest film score nut you're bound to come across in this lifetime[/QUOTE]
u say you fit all those descriptions? its an honor to meet you Mister Spielberg
"I fear there is no beer here, is any beer near? i listen, halt, for the bubbles of beer, but alas, it doth no touch my ears... i miss the beer."
"My life for Aiur." -Protoss Zealot
"My life for Aiur... i mean... Ner' Zhul..." -Undead Acolyte
"No qoute for you!"
"Ow! 3rd degree burns! I mean... NEAT! 3rd degree burns!"
"For the end of the world spell, press control+alt+delete" -Sorceress