So what characters have you created that you really enjoy playing with?
I have recently picked IWD2 back up and after playing around with several parties and different character combinations I have hit on some I really enjoy. Not even necessarily because they are extremely powerful, but because they are fun
My favourites so far:
*Gold Dwarf Druid: this little guy just kicks butt. He has an endearing personality, and in addition to having some awesome spells he is great in melee!
*Drow Monk: I just like the somewhat unorthodox combination, plus the voice kit is great, she'll say, "ask politely or you die." lol!
Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Spoiler
.......All those moments ... will be lost ... in time ... like tears in rain.
after downloading one these sounds open your Sound folder (wich is in your IWD2 folder) then create new folder and name it as BODHI then put bodhi sounds to there and now you have working new sound set...
How can you say no to this face?
But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...
I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.
Most powerful Charcater of mine - Wild Elf sorceror.
Starts with Bow proficency and Fav. class Sorc. (for multiclassing later, perhaps to fighter for extra HP and bonus feats) so she can always be useful of her spells run out as a sniper. Allows high Dex. for good A.C. bounus, reflex save (not the best for Sorc/Wiz) and extra chance to hit with Bow. Take Rapid Shot at level one for 2 attacks per round. Great artillery character, slinging Magic Missiles, Sleep and Aganzars Scorch. at low levels, then Fireballs, Vit. Spheres's and Chain Lightnings for more carnage. Not to mention she has Animate Dead and other Summons, very versatile and very powerful.
Most fun - Human Bard/Rouge.
Lots of tricks up his sleeves, spells, songs, sneak attacks, fast access to good disabling spells like Confusion, Horror, Hold Person and Chromatic Orb, plus Shadow Conj./Shades and Great Shout spells. Also a good healer, pumper (love emot: Hope) and fighter when properly equiped. My HoF Bard 17/Rouge 3 leads the party. Whena fight starts up he either Great Shouts as the enemy swarms forward (guaranteed 1 round stun) then labs a few arrows until next turn when he casts mirror Image and swithches to Golden Heart of Harper and Spiny Urchin Shield and starts swinging with 4 attacks per round (soon 5). in the mean time, my Sorcer and Wiz. have had a chance to lob a Horid Wilting or Delayed Blast Fireball, my fighter8/Druid12 Flame Strikes or Thorn Sprays the stunned enemies, Cleric casts Recitation and Barbarian uses Neclace of Missiles for a fireball to disrupt any casters. Once the initial Barrage has cleared, the fighters (and Bard) close in to mop up the remains. While Chain Lightnings and other party friendly spells and arrows rain in from the rear ranks.
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favorite powergaming char = "Whirling Death", human rogue3/ranger3/monk3/conjurer5/fighter12 (conjurer 5 taken at character level 30, to avoid XP penalty).
he's my ultimate duel-weilder/scout/magekiller. he has enough feats for specialisation in 2-3 weapon types, 3*armoured arcana, and all the other melee feats necessary (dirty fighting, cleave, expertiese, etc.), while being protected by Mirror Images/Death Armours/Fireshields. And he even has high enough skill points to cover Hide, Move Silently, and another skill - I usually go with Intimidate or Wilderness Lore for this one.
I like to use the unarmoured "darkish" portrait for this one.
favorite roleplaying char = "Padre", human bard1/loremaster of oghma X.
he has very non-phisical stats (12 12 10 14 18 10), and I visualise him for the quiet behind-the-scenes planner/researcher/tactical battle coordinator, using knowledge skills (Lore and Alchemy) out of combat, inspiring his comrades before and during combat with spell and song, and making WISE and(!) EDUCATED tactical decisions as to how to conduct the battle - when to heal, when to throw in a strategic enemy-disabiliating spell, when to dispell a nasty effect the enemy has put on the main tank, etc.
this does not mean he never swings a sword at the enmy - he's well able to "rise to the occasion" with self-buffing spells, exactly when he's needed most, in those couple of HARDEST fights, for which the regular tanks are too weak-minded or not well-enough equipped.
for this one I like the "knight in shiny armour with a tome in hand" portrait.
Most Powerful: Rael'Magreth (Male Drow Wizard)
Starting stats:
10 Str
20 Dex
12 Con
20 Int
10 Wis
8 Cha
For a wizard, he's got spells, spells, spells! Need a little Mordenkaiden's Force Missiles? Be my guest! Fireball to go? Have spells, will triumph.
Most fun: Galuf - Male Shield Dwarf Fighter
Starting Stats:
18 Str
12 Dex
20 Con
12 Int
8 Wis
8 Cha
Starting Feats: Bullheaded (to improve Will save and Intimidate check) & Strong Back (he was the party pack mule).
I like to give him the 'Fighter_4' soundset, which includes battlecries such as "Oi'll split ye in two!" and "Ah'll wash me beard in yer blood." With the familiar deep voice and Dwarf-oriented comments, it just cried out to me. The portrait I gave him was the one that shows a dwarf holding a shield on one arm and a battleaxe, and I believe it was from Icewind Dale 1.
Dungeon Crawl Inc.: It's the most fun you can have without 3 midgets and a whip! Character stats made by your's truly!
Vassago Human
Rogue 3/Paladin of Helm 3/Fighter 4/Monk of the Old Order X
STR 15 DEX 15 CON 10 INT 6 WIS 16 CHA 16
He's currently one of my two party members. I don't have the stats on his companion, but will post them later. I have just slain the Iron Collar mercs and have not yet begin the goblin invasion. Vassago is currently Rogue 2/Paladin 1/Fighter 1. I will progress him evenly as Paladin/Fighter for the next 4 levels, then I'll take 3rd level Rogue and 4th level Fighter. After that, I'll have to squat him 3 levels of Monk so as to not incur any xp penalties. What I do remember of his companion is that he is going to be Rogue 2/Barbarian 2/Fighter 1/Wizard 25. He is a Drow Rogue 1/Barbarian 1/Fighter 1 with his next level going to Wizard.