I can't use skill points!!!!!!
- Mike the Lion
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:31 pm
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I can't use skill points!!!!!!
I have had the game for a week and my character is at level 4 with 67 skill points. My problem is that i can't use any of the skill points. I have tried to click on the (+) but it does nothing. I really need help. Thanks
- Mike the Lion
- Posts: 4
- Joined: Mon Jun 28, 2004 5:31 pm
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http://www.gamebanshee.com/forums/showt ... hp?t=31611
Read the last replyfrom IcthyDemon, and all questions shall be answered..
Thanx by the way Icty! I'll try it out right away!
Read the last replyfrom IcthyDemon, and all questions shall be answered..
Thanx by the way Icty! I'll try it out right away!
- dark_raven
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[QUOTE=Mike the Lion]Well i tried going to the skills menu in the game. Is that where u use them???I clicked on the (+) thing that is just above the different skills like Twohanded and then above is a (+). Is that how u use them???[/QUOTE]
no, no, no... not the (+) ABOVE the skill... the (+) ON the skill image!!! look at this attachment!!!!!
no, no, no... not the (+) ABOVE the skill... the (+) ON the skill image!!! look at this attachment!!!!!
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