Hi @ll!
We, the PMM-Team [Homepage: http://www.pmm-projects.de (german one) and http://www.code-garak.de (english one)]
are working at the gigantic PMM-Mod (Planet Morrowind Modder mod).
It is called: The Tales of Naour
The story of this TC (Total Conversion) is completely different from the Morrowind Story and from the whole TES Universe.
We also integrated new statics, new enemys (creatures), new skills and a new level-up System.
Even a revolutionary new battlescript has been completed already.
Unfortunately we were too busy with scripts, story and we didnt have enough skilled modders,
so we have very less exteriors and interiors yet, because the size of the world is nearly same as the morrowind world.
This way we are searching for skilled and active modders which are willing to keep working at our world.
If you are interested in supporting us, contact us per ICQ
me (Naturzauberer) per ICQ:158285176 or email:denmeu@web.de
or Garak per ICQ:202864545 or email (on http://www.code-garak.de)
Before you are able to work with us you should send us a little example of your work,
for example a nicely designed exterior or interior cell, or perhaps your earlier completed modding-project?
Sincelery yours
- Naturzauberer
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:14 am
- Contact:
Maybe you could give us more details? About the plot, which role the character play, linearity/non-linearity and so on. Could make the difference between ignoring you or considering to join your team. Just a thought
"Some people say that I must be a terrible person, but it’s not true. I have the heart of a young boy in a jar on my desk."
-Stephen King
-Stephen King
- Naturzauberer
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:14 am
- Contact:
is reading the Homepages, which addresses i gave, really that hard? just click on :http://www.code-garak.de
Sincelery yours
Sincelery yours
Sorry, I can't find anything about a plot, the character and the linearity of the game or any other basic information - besides your comment that it will be mentioned on PMM-Projects. What is the game about? According to the screenshots there are three races, elbes, dark elbes and humans. And? No information at all about things that are really important? Sorry, but that way you can forget about my support. I really want to know "what" I support. A total conversion which includes three races, some nice features like a crafting system, new armors, items and spells can't convince me here. This could be added to Morrowind as well. No need for a total conversion here. And I couldn't find the "PMM In Work"-Link which is mentioned on PMM-Projects.
I mean...well, 50% of the mod is done. There has to be background information on the history of the realm, a plot, linearity, possibilities of the player and so on?
Isn't this what a total conversion is all about? Hack 'n' Slay is something I can have in Morrowind as well. In my opinion there's even way too much of it...
I hope that you can clear things up. If you have some information on German, don't hesitate to tell me about it. I am German.
I mean...well, 50% of the mod is done. There has to be background information on the history of the realm, a plot, linearity, possibilities of the player and so on?
Isn't this what a total conversion is all about? Hack 'n' Slay is something I can have in Morrowind as well. In my opinion there's even way too much of it...
I hope that you can clear things up. If you have some information on German, don't hesitate to tell me about it. I am German.
"Some people say that I must be a terrible person, but it’s not true. I have the heart of a young boy in a jar on my desk."
-Stephen King
-Stephen King
- Naturzauberer
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:14 am
- Contact:
tja, ich dachte du bist englisch, drum habe ich Probs gehabt dir zu vermitteln was du wissen willst
Schau mal auf http://www.pmm-projects.de unter Previewartikel
oder wenn du zu faul bist der Link hier: http://www.pmm-projects.de/index.php?id=rebirtharticles
Wir haben momentan noch das Problem, dass wir die deutschen Texte noch nicht übersetzt haben
Naja, nevermind, schaus dir an
Schau mal auf http://www.pmm-projects.de unter Previewartikel
oder wenn du zu faul bist der Link hier: http://www.pmm-projects.de/index.php?id=rebirtharticles
Wir haben momentan noch das Problem, dass wir die deutschen Texte noch nicht übersetzt haben
Naja, nevermind, schaus dir an
Ok, durchgelesen. Die Änderungen am Skillsystem klingen überaus interessant. Wenn es fertig ausgearbeitet ist, wäre es dann möglich, dass auch für Morrowind zu veröffentlichen? Oder es für andere Mods zur Verfügung zu stellen? Ich bin mir sicher, dass man eure Arbeit so noch in höherem Maße zu schätzen wissen würde. Zur Story habt ihr nun nicht überaus viel und ich muss sagen, dass es mich nicht sonderlich anspricht. Aber das kann auch nur an mir liegen
For the English-Speaking folks:
I read some stuff about the mod. It provides a new skillsystem which seems to be more "rpgish" than Morrowind's one. I like what I read. According to the story I can't tell you much. A conflict between dark elbes who want a war, humans who have an army but no general, who are at the edge of a civil war and who are envious of the elbes, who, at last, give others enough reason for being envious. Dwarves have enough of the other races and found shelter in the underground. Naturzauberer, please correct me if I'm wrong.
For the English-Speaking folks:
I read some stuff about the mod. It provides a new skillsystem which seems to be more "rpgish" than Morrowind's one. I like what I read. According to the story I can't tell you much. A conflict between dark elbes who want a war, humans who have an army but no general, who are at the edge of a civil war and who are envious of the elbes, who, at last, give others enough reason for being envious. Dwarves have enough of the other races and found shelter in the underground. Naturzauberer, please correct me if I'm wrong.
"Some people say that I must be a terrible person, but it’s not true. I have the heart of a young boy in a jar on my desk."
-Stephen King
-Stephen King
- Naturzauberer
- Posts: 5
- Joined: Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:14 am
- Contact:
Well the TC actualli is processing more and more towards our goal. But some Members decided to leave aut of person reasons.
This way we are continuing our search for new skilled members.
We also would greet Members who would be interested in the Text part- writing books-writing Dialogues-writing a part of the plot...
We are also searching for Leveldesigners for the Orc part
If anyone is interested-please mail or ICQ us, we will talk about details there.
This way we are continuing our search for new skilled members.
We also would greet Members who would be interested in the Text part- writing books-writing Dialogues-writing a part of the plot...
We are also searching for Leveldesigners for the Orc part
If anyone is interested-please mail or ICQ us, we will talk about details there.