After 13 hours! I ´ve killed the bandits, but now one character is dead. How (or who) can reanimate him? I habe a scroll, but it does´nt work. Please help, I´m not able to kill the bandits again. It´s a fine game, but too difficault. How can live Ragdor again???(My party is Level 2). Greetings (with tears in my eyes) Elfenkoenigin
Our good friend jaroo does it for around 500. And Terjon? Don't ask. He needs over 5000 to make money on it. Since the spell that he uses needs DIAMONDS! Jaroo can do it cheaper. Because his ability, sometimes makes sure that someone becomes a different race. My advice is. Go with jaroo.
Thanks, I´ll do so. Until now I´ve always restarted the game. Sometimes, when Í won a very hard battle, it was very disappointing to do it again. Now I have a solution. Greetings from Elfenkoenigin