I tried exporting imoen with sword coast keeper (like gate keeper) as a creature file then just changing the extension to chr. that didnt work and i didnt expect it to. anyways, i got to the end of the game and there is this glitch on my save that makes the cinema repeat and repeat when i enter the temple of bhaal, so i want to import my party into a multiplayer mission pack save. any ideas on how to export NPCs?
I have not tried this but it might work. Get Near Infinity (http://www.idi.ntnu.no/~joh/ni/) and edit the savegame. Specifically, edit the CREs of the other party members and make them exportable.
"If others had not been foolish, we should be so."
-William Blake
[QUOTE=FatLink]anyways, i got to the end of the game and there is this glitch on my save that makes the cinema repeat and repeat when i enter the temple of bhaal, [/QUOTE]
This is a know bug. Have you tried the original patch?
yeah i tried the official patch for TotSC. i haven't read anywhere that it is a known bug, but if it is, does anyone no how to fix it. another wierd thing i noticed was that Tamoko keeps appearig when i sleep after i have already killed her, iv killed her 3 times now
Well not a know bug, but your not the first person to have had this problem.
You have to disable the movies to continue.
Will do a search to see if i can find how to do that.
You can disable the movies in the game by editing your baldur.ini file.
Go the the section labled "Program Options" and add a line saying "Disable Movies=1" anywhere in that section.
I recommand making a backup first in case something goes wrong.
i tried putting Disable Movies=1 under the program options and it didnt work so i tried the game options and that didnt work either. so i looked it up on the internet and i found out that it was only for BG2 that you can do that command.
i tried putting Disable Movies=1 under the program options and it didnt work so i tried the game options and that didnt work either. so i looked it up on the internet and i found out that it was only for BG2 that you can do that command. thanks though.
sorry about the ouble post, i figured out how to fix it. i used sword coast keeper (like gate keeper) to edit the global variables. there is a variable that is supposed to be added everytime to enter somewhere with i cinema i guess, and i tested this with my working missionpack save. the variable is called ENTEREDTEMPLEBHAAL and when you have seen the cinema, it should get set to 1. i found it on my mission pack save and put it into my save and now the cinema doesnt repeat. im so happy. thanks for your help guys.