I just started playing the expansion, and I'm a bit aggravated.
Every time an enemy is detected, about 5 seconds ito the fight, my main character icon turns "yellow" and becomes uncontrollable, as if he is confused or berzerk. he starts randomly attacking teammates, and they attack back. I know something is wrong because I found someone else who had this same problem (see here) but there is no solution.
I'm basically fighting all my battles without my main character (which isnt very easy!)
I've never had the sword, I'm a mage and I cant equip it even if I wanted to. I've cast everything imagineable on him, nothing works! I've stopped playing because its impossible without his amazing level 9 spells
uhm...just a thought, but do you have the AI scripts turned on? (that's the little lamp icon in the bottom right hand corner). if you do, your characters will attack the nearest enemy when they are attacked.