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Starting all over

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to BioWare's Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
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ensaro dai
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Starting all over

Post by ensaro dai »

Hiya guys,

Time to put a topic on here.

I am going to play BG I/BG II + ToSC and ToB

As for my party-creation in BG I and TosC I don't know where to head. I'm gonna use TuTu and would like to use any modifications making BG I + ToSC harder as well. New questlines etc. would be inviting as well.

I'm about to play with a thief (swashi/assasin), im not gonna multi-class nor dual-class, as I feel it cheeses up your char at high level. I need some advice on which kit I should use. I *LOVE* backstabbing and i know an assasin multiplier for backstabbing is great. But as swashbuckler however, you got more ApR (attacks per round), which might be quite handy as well :) .

However I donnot know who/what to take into me party for BGI as for BG II (I've always played the good guy, would rather play neutral with mostly evil chars now).

What i need in BG I is:
Another Spellcaster
A tank
another cleric/fighter fighter/mage
Meself being thief

I've played BG I with Ajantis, minsc, imoen, jaheira, khalid, coran, kivan etc, would like some other chars for now. (less tankish)

What would u guys suggest for my BG I party (not cheesy)

As for BG II I'd like to take
Edwin (or an other evil/neutral spellcaster)
Viciona (or Cernd/Jaheira)
Korgan (or maybe no tanks at all, could take a monk instead -> never played with it,is it cool?)
My own char
Hear Dalis might be worth the shot
An Modded NPC (Chloe/Solau/any other mod, what fits better with this party)

As for weapon usage, I'd like someone with an axe (korgan might fit) and maybe someone with helbard/spear. But i'd like to play without pure tanks (tho sarevok is cool in ToB)

As for the mods, please gimme some ideas (TuTu, tactics & ascension -> does it work together, unfinished business)

Thnx all!

(sorry for poosting a thread the same as me0w's but i also need your guys advice :roll: :D )
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Post by Ieldra »

OK, since you asked me specifically in that other thread. A few recommendations:

First, Tutu and other mods:
(1) If you're going to play with many BG2 mods, I'd consider re-installing from scratch after you finish Tutu and re-creating your character using Shadowkeeper instead of importing her. Importing from Tutu saves has some bugs on a clean BG2 install, so I assume that Tutu leaves some traces when you convert to BG2 - and you don't want that for a multi-mod configuration.
(2) Ascension and Tactics are, as far as I know, completely compatible. But read my notes about the kits in the other thread.

Your portagonist:
If you want a single-class rogue who never duals to another class, I think the Assassin is a very good choice. Most Thief kits max out in Thief abilities around level 20, so it really doesn't make sense to play a single-class Thief in TOB, but the Assassin only gets 15 points per level, so it makes at least *some* sense to not dual-class him. The Swashbuckler is as much of a fighter as a Thief can get, but his THAC0 bonuses doesn't really make up for his bad THAC0 progression. He gets 1 per 2 levels, so you have a THAC0 of -1 at level 30. That includes the kit boni. And he can't backstab. His AC bonus is great, though.
Personally, I'm not a Thief player (excepting the game "Thief", of which I'm a rabid fan), so you should take this with a grain of salt. I'd rather play a multi-class Fighter/Thief, or the very unusual Cleric/Thief.

Your BG1 party:

My most general rule for BG1/2/TOB party composition:
BG1 is the ranged fighters' game
SOA is the mages' game
TOB is the melee fighters' game

So, what you'll want for BG1 is a party with competent archers and slingers, and some mage power for the endgame. Your list has three spellcasters, which is too many for BG1 since their power is so very limited yet. My recommendation is:

You (Thief, maybe Assassin or Swashbuckler)
Kivan (excellent archer, is also available as an NPC mod in BG2)
Kagain or Minsc
Xan or Dynaheir (changed to Sorcerer)
Viconia or Branwen

The archer: Kivan
My favorite BG1 NPC. *The* archer. Give him the Bracers of Archery, and between his DEX and his elven bonus with long bows he can hit almost anything in BG1 with his THAC0 of 3. He regularly gets 40% kills in my BG1 games where I don't play a fighter myself. I don't recall if you can change his kit with Tutu, maybe you can give him the Archer kit. I wouldn't do so, because he loses his ability to wear heavy armor, and as opposed to BG2, there's no Shadow Dragon scale armor in BG1. Unmodified, he's also a good tank.
Kivan is also available as an NPC mod for BG2, including a plot twist that may give you his one-time lover Deheriana as a party member. I haven't played this mod so I can't comment on it, but it does sound quite interesting. It may also be that it's not yet out of betatesting. Information at

The tank: Kagain or Minsc
Kagain is really the best tank with his CON of 20. But it makes more sense in terms of the plot to select Minsc. And he's the better archer, which is important for the BG1 part. It all depends on your style. When installing Tutu, you can change Kagain into a Berserker which is quite useful with all the mind-affecting spells flying around in the later parts of BG1, and without BG2s collection of immunity items.

The Sorcerer: Xan or Dynaheir
When you install Tutu (or maybe a Tutu mod, I don't recall exactly), you have the choice of changing almost any BG1 mage NPC into a Sorcerer. I recommend Xan, who has, as an enchanter, already the high CHA. But you can really have anyone as a Sorcerer. I would select Dynaheir for this slot if you select Minsc for the tank, since that makes more sense in terms of the plot, right up to the start of BG2. Else, select Xan, if only for the simple reason you probably haven't played him before - as a Sorcerer, he's not useless at last. Make sure your Sorcerers learn Identify if you intend to play with Edwin. There aren't many good L1 spells, and gold is extremely scarce in the first chapters of BG1.

The Priest: Viconia or Branwen
No single class Druid in BG1, I'm afraid, not even in a mod. Viconia is, again, the best choice for the primary cleric slot. I don't recall where the Gauntlets of Ogre Power are in BG1 right now, but they are there and as useful as in BG2. Branwen is also a good choice. I haven't used her with Cleric Remix yet. As opposed to Viconia, she may actually gain something from it since her god, as a deity of war, would grant more buffs and healing spells.

The Wizard: Edwin
You can change him into a sorcerer, too, but you also need some variability in spells, so I wouldn't recommend that. For the *best* Wizard type, there really isn't another choice that's nearly as good. His only disadvantage is that he's evil, but since you want a neutral party this time, he would work well.

So much for your BG1 party. now onward to BG2:

Your proposed party has too little mage power. I'd recommend something like this:

You (Assassin or Swashbuckler)
Viconia or Anomen (the CN version)
Korgan (but he can't wield Azuredge. That's a *big* disadvantage!!!)
Valygar (change as described below, dump for Solaufein in Chapter 6)

This way, you have three frontliners and three mage slots (you'll be thankful for them soon, especially with Tactics installed. Be sure to read Userunfriendly's cheese guide!).
Not much to add here that I haven't yet said in the other thread. Change Valygar's proficiencies so that they include axes. The big disadvantage is that you have no one to wield Azuredge once you acquire Sola. But if you do most SOA optional quests in chapter 2-3, it may not be that important since there are not so many undead left, and TOB hasn't nearly as many as SOA. Improved Bodhi may give you a headache, though.
Again, I really don't understand what people find with Haer'dalis.

So much for now. I have some RL to attend to...
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Post by me0w »

"Edwin (or an other evil/neutral spellcaster)
Viciona (or Cernd/Jaheira)
Korgan (or maybe no tanks at all, could take a monk instead -> never played with it,is it cool?)
My own char
Hear Dalis might be worth the shot
An Modded NPC (Chloe/Solau/any other mod, what fits better with this party)"

Ok, if so, it would be nice to basicly play the same team for BG1.

Now, your team could be:

You; Assasin.
Kaigan. (basicly the #1 version of Korgan, but if only he was as evil!)
Xar (the necromancer)

However this may not be the best party, it seesm to fit what you wanted for bg2, so you could continue it.
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Post by Numinor »

No single class Druid in BG1, I'm afraid, not even in a mod. [/QUOTE]

uhmm... what about Faldorn? (though she comes relatively late in the game, in cloakwood).
Coran would be a good choice for your BG1 party, too. He's a fighter/thief with 20 dex, I consider him the second best ranged fighter in BG1 (noone beats Kivan, though ;) )
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Post by me0w »

Also, Coran has a great personality and is just fun to play with.
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Post by Ieldra »

Ah yes, I always forget those NPCs you can only get in Chapter 4 or later. I wouldn't select Faldorn over Viconia or Branwen, though.
As for Coran: He's great! Competent and likeable, with some funny lines, but as there's already a Thief in this party, I wouldn't include him.
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Post by ensaro dai »

First time i played BG I i remember with playing one mage, one fighter/druid kivan, coran ajantis and my own pali. SO ive done enough meelee and ranged imo :( .

Coran (will have to pick him up early, will use him as both archer and do some backstab damage :) -> played with kivan in both BG I and II (modded)
Minsc (didn't play with minsc in BGI, only BG II)
My own char (Assasin for sure)
Xan+moonblade :)

My own char (still assasin :) -> female for tsujara romance)
Valygar (sarevok for TOB)
Solaufein (at the moment i join up with him ill SK me char to evil so he becomes neutral and than change my aligment to neutral again)

Thnx for the input,, comments always appreciated
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Post by Ieldra »

You do know that you can't pick up Coran early? He's in the Cloakwood, that means chapter 4.
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Post by me0w »

You can rush through quite nicely and get to chapter 4 in like 2 days.

Just rush down to Nashkel - quickly popping in at the friendly arm to: pick up a few quests, kill Bently Mirrorshade, kill the mage who attacks you, go to the top floor and kill 2 mages/clerics there.

Then, rush down to beregost kill sky (try to quickly execute the 3 thugs you help, as they have nice potions, just quickly arrow them/magic missile.

Also, don't add people to your party your not going to use. - Unless you add them for 1 minute just to steal for example Imeons potions of healing+speed.

Then rush around to near the bandid camp (larswood) I think and get Viconia.

(Also a good character for you would be Shar'Teel instead of minsc, she really is great, but like viciona, she is normaly aquired too late. Also you could use Xar instead of Xan if your going evilish, he is a GREAT character with his "stop touching me" lines. I really wished he was playable for #2. You may want to SK him too to something like a conjurer, or a sorcerer - Xar is with Montaron on the second screen where you meet Elminster for the first time)

(so now you have [possibly] you,xar,viconia,shar'teel)

Then rush down to Nashkel, pick up Edwin. (maybe pick up minsc, but seriously Shar'teel is MUCH better to play with as minsc is so rinsed and boring)

now you have almost your whole team, quickly rush into the mines, quickly finish it. - then rush up to bereghost to kill tazok (or whatever that mages name is) then rush to bandit camp. Kill them all fast, then rush down to cloakwood and pick up Coran.

This is the best way to keep the exp fair and not do everything too late.
However, I don't really know why I wrote you this as you have played before and don't really need this. But still, its worth following, just run down through all the areas and try to take small cuts through the wilderness and get straight to where you need to be. Then as a team you can take on every inch of that map.

But yeah, I advise you killing all of the mages in friendly arm in, but try to do there quests first. Makes it more fun that way :D

Good luck.
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Post by moltovir »

[QUOTE=Ieldra]I really don't understand what people find with Haer'dalis.

I consider Haer'Dalis as a fighter/mage, but better. Why better, one would ask: he gains levels. very quickly, so you can get lots of HLA's early on, and his spell progression is quicker than that of the F/M. He gets the tremendeous useful Use Any Item and Timetrap, overriding any item restrictions and allowing for insane, 1-minute timestops. He gets the Improved Bard song, which can be a fantastic bonus in some fights. Hitpoints and Thac0 don't matter, because things like Tensers Transformation and Stoneskin, which he gains very early, make low thac0 and ac useless. The disadvantages are that he can only have lvl 6 spells, but apart from ADHW, Improved Alacrity and Timestop there aren't any very important lvl 6+ spells in the game, and your normal mage can take care of those, and that he has fairly low HP, but as I said, who needs HP when you have Mirror Image and Stoneskin? Plus, Haer'Dalis has a funny character, some humorous dialogue and a very good party interaction (especially with Aerie ;) ) Just my POV.
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Post by Grandpa »

Ditto Moltovir. Also, if you steal and erase/learn spells over and over again, Haer can reach the level cap before leaving Waukeen's promenade. . .

a bit boring :rolleyes:
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