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Hard to manage! I need help!

This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale and its Heart of Winter and Trials of the Luremaster expansions.
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Hard to manage! I need help!

Post by sheng »

I've alway good at playing games where I only have to mange one character, but this game get really hard to play for me. Can someone give me any tips on playing IWD? I really need a helping hand.
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The Chosen One
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Post by The Chosen One »

use potions, wands and other limited items they are very usefull. you may also pause in the game so you can think how to make battle less difficult.. :D
good luck
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Post by me0w »

attack with ranged wepeons! (at low levels your thac0 will be much better with them)

Use pause (hit space bar and plan attacks before doing them)

Use magic, pre buff your characters before hard fights.

Send one character forward sometimes to hold off enemies while your team attacks with bows and slings.

Have fun!
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Post by Brynn »

You don't have to instruct six characters at a time, you can go on with three as well. It might be easier to focus on their skills that way.

You have to get to know each class' strengths and weaknesses, and that will take a little time. It may be helpful to go around the first scenes several times befora you actually start playing the game, each time instructing a different char just to try them out.
Up the IRONS!
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