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Poll: What is your favorite Bioware/Black Isle RPG series?

This forum is to be used for discussion about any RPG, RPG hybrid, or MMORPG that doesn't have its own forum.
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Icewind Dale + Heart of Winter
Icewind Dale + Heart of Winter
Icewind Dale + Heart of Winter
Icewind Dale + Heart of Winter
Icewind Dale + Heart of Winter
Total votes: 29

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Post by Aegis »

This should probably be in the Game Discussion forums.
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Post by Xandax »

@Aegis: you are proberly correct, which is why I've moved it.

As for the topic ... well it would have to be......
Dang. I can't choose between Fallout and Baldurs Gate 1. :(

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Post by Bluestorm »

I wish i could have voted for more than one..
I had to chose BG 1...
never played fallout can you still get them games...
Think i would like to give them a try, should i play both or just number 2
Just asking this as i always tell people to play BG 1 first.

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Post by fable »

You've tried PS:T, @Bluestorm? Because if you haven't, you really should. It's a remarkable game, easiliy one of the best RPGs ever made, if not the best.

No surprises guessing where my vote went. ;)
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Post by Skuld »

I wonder what the poll results would look like if everyone had had the chance to play PS:T?
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Post by Taco Magus »

Oye this is a hard one. I never really got into ps:t or icewind dale...though i got em both in a pack for 10$ I love bg and fallout. I guess i had to say baldurs gate cuz it opened up the door to me for rpgs, including fallout.
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Post by Bluestorm »

Yeap i have PS:T but i have never finished it yet, i have it installed now so maybe i will get around to it....and yes Fable i must agree with you..
i have the same reason as Taco for picking BG1 as my vote....
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Post by Vicsun »

I voted with the majority.

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Post by moltovir »

I voted for Fallout, because without Fallout, there would be no Baldurs Gate, no PS:T, no KOTOR. Fallout also gave you a huge freedom, and you could actually be evil and kill everybody without the game becoming impossible, and still getting as much experiene points as "the good guy". I haven't seen this again until KOTOR. The postapocalyptic theme was nice, too.
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Post by fable »

I voted for Fallout, because without Fallout, there would be no Baldurs Gate, no PS:T, no KOTOR.

Your timeline's a bit off. BG1 came out a year after Fallout but was already in development for two years before it appeared. The actual influence on Bioware's titles, which they admitted upfront during interviews at the time, was Ultima VII: The Black Gate.
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Post by Tower_Master »

BG:II SoA - the first game I ever really owned, and still my favorite!
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Post by Volk »

PS:T and a tie Betwen Fallout and BG1, i still LOVED PS:T its just such a well made game...
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Post by The Great Hairy »

Argh, I can't chose! How can I decide between the main core of my CRPGs??? I'll have to hit PS:T as the number one, but the rest all come pretty damn close behind it, especially Fallout 1 + 2. Here's hoping Fallout 3 is as good!

Cheers all,
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