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This forum is to be used for all discussions pertaining to Black Isle Studios' Icewind Dale II.
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Post by Brynn »

Well, the problem is bedies that they disappear that if the monster attacks them, and they get teleported away, it follows them to that room, and all I can do is start chasing him. No need to say that I can't even scratch him in 60 secs. :mad: So, the best thing would be to prevent them disappearing. Btw, sometimes they stayed even if I summoned them to the "plain part" of the room, so I don't think their position (on the squares or not) has anything to do with it... :confused:

I've never encountered the thing you mentioned last. If only I would! :) It would be great if the beast was taken to my party, they would kill anything easily :p
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Post by Brynn »

Ha-ha! I'm nearly done! *mad laugh*
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Post by Wrath-Of-Egg »

good for you!

How can you say no to this face? :D

But seriusly.. Party without Bard is not party...

I can understand that SYM forum.. mentally 6 year old people is just running around with scissors on their hand.

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Post by Brynn »

Nearly.... :rolleyes: 3 ranks left...
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Post by Brynn »

Cornugons and other pretties at Battle Square

2 ranks left, I'm going with my mage.

I start to get annoyed now that only Cornugons and Gemolusomethings appear :mad: and I have no idea how to defeat those. Luckily, Glabrezus usually don't resist paralyzing spells, so I can beat them down with my summons.

But how on earth do I scratch a Cornugon, when it's resistant to all forms of physical damage and immune to my spells? The greater one, Gemolusomething is even worse. Any ideas? Do I need a +X magical weapon or other kind of special weapon to hurt them?
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Post by Iliphar Nelnuve »


My tactic was quite simple: You need the mace of disruption to deal with the shadows and other undead. For the big ennemies (I mean tall ones) you just get out of the room from the left door and stay close to the entrance so the ennemy will try to hit you but will be bothered by the golem which obstruct the exit. The next step is just sending (a chromatic orb) as much arrows you can in his ugly face and hope he dies before the countdown reach 0 sec.
This worked for me with half of the ennemies until completing the game room.
The most difficult enemies are great Mummy and a sort of Skeleton if I remember well.
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Post by Brynn »

Those are vulnerable to fire, at least :(
But can I kill a Cornugon with Magic Missiles? And what about that Gomuleosomething, I guess he's completely immune to magic. Or did you mean real arrows? I don't think I can hit enough to kill it with a bow...
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Post by Heidrek »

Gelugons are the baddest demons in the game, you can summon them with the Gate spell. I think they have good resistance to Cold, Fire and perhaps Acid too, but I think Electrical damage still works. Magic Missile does work I think, but the best bet against these guys is to have a group of summoned pets attack them, Undead Boneguards are best, they do good slashing damage. One on one these are no mathch for the Gelugon, but 3 or 4 on one with you pitching in as well with spells and missile weapons?

Oh yeah one other thing, Melfs Minute Metors creates a bunch of +5 missiles for you to throw. The Gel' will reist the fire damage, but you may still get some bludgeoning damage for each hit. Might want to try acid damage I cant remember if they are immune or not. Vitriolic Sphere is a good one for this.
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Post by Brynn »

Don't know what got into me not trying the easiest way, but I finally found out that they can be defeated easily. Guess what, in most cases (80%) they'll fail their saving throw against Disintegrate!!! Cool! Same goes for Cornugons. Dunno why I haven't tried that before... :confused:
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Post by Heidrek »

The good old "blow their head off with the disintegrate spell" trick eh? One of the best ways throughout the whole game for killing undead that aren't vulnerable to death magic.

Once you get Finger of Death and GSF Necromancy you don't really need to worry about these guys, one caster fires off a Malison while the other gives the demon of choice the Finger, and it's normally all over. I love 7th Level spells :D !

Seriously. some of these spells are better than 9th level ones. Delayed Blast Fireball is actually better than Meteor Swarm, Finger of Death beats Power Word: Kill (which is only good against things that are nearly dead anyway) anyday and Mord. Sword hardly needs any more hype.
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Post by Brynn »

What a jolly day it is! I'm Battle Square Master at laaaast! Rejoice :D

True, those spells and Club of Disruption were the key to higher ranks.
Up the IRONS!
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